What Caused Prime Minister Bigan to Die Immediately When he Heard Daji’s Words?


April 29, 2019

Tianfang celestial asked about a part in my corpus that reads: "But Bigan died immediately when he heard Daji, who was disguised as a vegetable seller, selling water spinach (heartless vegetables) say, 'vegetables can live without hearts but humans must die without them.’". Why, she asked? Was it because Daji’s words blocked his thinking and forced his soul to leave his body? We know that when the soul leaves the body, the latter dies”. She wrote further, "I want to ask you, dear guide, if Prime Minister Bigan was so powerful that even after his heart was dug out, his consciousness and mental activity still existed and his soul was still attached to his body, then why did he die immediately when he heard what Daji said?". "Could the reason have been that his thinking power was less powerful than Daji’s or were other reasons such as faith involved? Could it have been that he believed Daji’s words, that “Humans must die without hearts”, and doing so caused his mind to be blocked, his soul to leave his body, and him to die? Was it his "belief” that ultimately killed him"?

Xuefeng’s Answer:

There were three reasons for what happened:

  1. Prime Minister Bigan did not know the essence of life, so he was easily fooled by listening to other people’s “nonsense”.

  2. His thinking power was not as powerful as Daji’s, so he was killed by Daji’s power of thinking.

  3. He firmly believed that “humans cannot live without hearts”, and it was that limitation in his thinking that killed him.

These were the three reasons for his death.

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