These 18 Questions, If You Can't Answer Them, You're A Confused Person


December 25, 2017

What does the Buddha refer to as the myriad sentient beings? Those who cannot answer these 18 questions belong to the myriad sentient beings.

No matter how affluent your life may be, if you cannot answer these 18 questions, you're still a confused person.

1) Where do you come from?

2) Where are you going?

3) Who are you?

4) Why is your middle finger longer than the other four fingers?

5) Why do you not have eyes on the back of your head?

6) Why weren't you born into a royal family?

7) Did you choose your parents? If not, then who are your parents?

8) Is there fairness in this world? If yes, why worry? If not, what's the use of being worried?

9) If you're poor, why are you poor? If you're rich, where did your wealth come from?

10) Do you have free will? If yes, where does your free will manifest?

11) What will happen tomorrow?

12) What is the value and meaning of your life?

13) Killing a person requires paying with a LIFE. Does killing a cow require paying with a LIFE? How about killing a monkey? Killing a dog? Killing a chicken, a pig, or an insect?

14) Do invisible things exist? If they do not, then you have no soul because the eyes cannot see the soul. If they do, then there are gods and demons, ghosts and spirits in this world, right?

15) Can you distinguish between good and evil, truth and falsehood? If so, is a cat catching a mouse good or evil? Is the person in the mirror real or fake?

16) Is human nature inherently good or evil?

17) Which came first, the egg or the chicken?

18) Will your children show filial piety to you? Can you confidently say "yes" or "no"?

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