Can Individuals with Physical Illnesses Reach Heaven? — A Response to the Inquiry of Ruling Celestia


June 28, 2022

A human life consists of two parts: the physical body and the spiritual body. The physical body returns to dust while the spiritual body goes either through transmigration, to heaven, or to other spaces.

From this, we understand that it's the spiritual body that goes to heaven, and the physical body cannot. Therefore, even if the physical body is ill or reduced to a mere pile of mud, it does not affect the spiritual body's journey to heaven.

The physical body belongs to the material world, adhering to its laws. It originates from the material world and ultimately returns to it. The spiritual body comes from the nonmaterial world and follows its laws, ultimately returning to the nonmaterial world.

Any form of life with a physical body will inevitably fall ill and die. In this sense, even saints fall ill, and even saints die.

While the spiritual body governs the physical body, it does not mean that consciousness entirely controls the birth, aging, illness, and death of the physical body. Consciousness can only govern the actions of the body, not its metabolism, aging, or illnesses. The health of the body is influenced not only by consciousness and emotions but also by the laws and rules of the material world, especially uncontrollable factors such as cosmic rays, pollution, food toxins, and so on.

Hence, even the sick can journey to heaven. The standard for reaching heaven is the perfection of the spiritual body, not dependent on the health of the physical body. Even those afflicted with terminal illnesses will not affect the perfect spiritual body's journey to heaven.

One crucial truth to understand is that the imperfections of the spiritual body directly influence the well-being of the physical body. Psychological and emotional factors such as excessive selfishness, frequent anger, rage, emotional volatility, jealousy, a tendency to compare oneself with others, and other mental and emotional states can impact physical health. In this sense, illnesses often stem from an unhealthy consciousness and psychological flaws. Those who are unwell should remain vigilant and enhance their spiritual practices, paying closer attention to the teachings of gods, buddhas, and saints.

There's a phenomenon to grasp: a person with a pure soul who engages in extensive formless alms giving but frequently falls ill, enduring physical torment and suffering. This, in fact, is a tremendous occurrence. It's the cosmic arrangement for them to swiftly repay karmic debts from previous lives, enabling them to bypass the suffering of reincarnation and proceed directly to heaven in this life.

Another truth to comprehend is that those who enter heaven while ill almost always reach the lowest level of heaven's LIFE space, such as the Thousand-year World. It's challenging for them to reach the intermediate and advanced spaces of heaven, like the Ten-thousand-year World and the Elysium Islands Continent.

The illness of the physical body is an appearance. Whether a LIFE is truly ill cannot be determined from its appearance. Some people who seemingly ill are actually not; and vice versa. For example, if someone's leg is crippled but, in their dreams, the leg is perfectly fine, then their leg is actually intact, which does not affect the completeness and perfection of their LIFE. Nor does it hinder their journey to heaven.

The best way for LIFE to end is to peacefully pass away without illness, and the best path to death is to peacefully fall asleep without attachments, never waking up the next day. However, for practitioners, once they know their destination and yearn for it, it's best to control their date of death by using the Lifechanyuan Meditation method.

Some very ordinary individuals are natural seeds of heaven. They come to the world for special reasons. They don’t need cultivation, practices, merit accumulation, nor do they need to seek guidance from gods, buddhas, or saints. They directly go to heaven after death. This is beyond my scope of analysis; I only seek the Chanyuan celestials who were naturally born but have long forgotten their way back. Others are not within my sphere of attention or concern.

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