Misconceptions About the Origin of LIFE — Response to Diqiu celestial' Question


October 18, 2021

At the inception of LIFE's creation, some beings were fashioned as advanced LIFE forms, while others were shaped as low-level LIFE forms. The low-level beings serve the high-level ones, which seems unfair to the lower ones. Why was I created as a human and not as a deity?

A little chick was happily playing in the grass, then suddenly snatched away by a big eagle for dinner. Why? The chick neither flirted with the eagle's mate nor snatched the eagle's sister-in-law. Why be taken away for dinner?

A group of bunnies were playing hide and seek when a wolf charged in, grabbed one rabbit, bit it to death, and devoured it. For what reason? The rabbit neither disturbed the wolf's ancestral graves nor pushed a wolf cub off a cliff. Why bite and kill the rabbit?

Where is the fairness of the heavenly Tao??

A person buys a piece of cloth, cuts it into two pieces. One is used to make a hat, the other for underpants. The piece used for the underpants grumbles, "I was born on the same day as the piece used for the hat. Why does it get to bask in the brilliant sunshine, enjoying the world's wonders, while I, wrapped in trousers, cannot see anything, and can only smell the foul odor from behind?"

Yes, why?

One day, by chance, the Greatest Creator was born.

The Greatest Creator found infinite joy in creation. Hence, the Greatest Creator created the universe and numerous LIVES — gods, celestials, but they were not entertaining enough. So, the Greatest Creator began crafting an uncountable number of LIVES — humans, animals, plants, and so forth.

At the beginning, everything experienced no sorrow, unfairness, or comparison. There was only an instinctive execution of the duties bestowed by the Creator.

Ask the rabbits, "Do you harbor resentment towards the wolf?" The rabbits find it odd, "What is hatred? Why should we harbor resentment?" If you were to tell them that the Greatest Creator created wolves to eat them and that it's unfair, imagine what the rabbits might think? They wouldn't even consider such a question. Anyone who suggests that the Greatest Creator is unfair would be considered mentally disturbed.

Finally, the second child became furious with their father, "Dad! Why do I have to call the eldest 'elder brother'? Why does he not call me 'elder brother'?" The father replied that it's because the elder brother was born before him, hence he should call him 'elder brother.' The second child got even angrier, "Why was my elder brother born before me? That's unfair, Mom and Dad are unjust!"

Who can answer for this father regarding the second child's question: "Why wasn't I born first?"

Low-level LIFE supports and sustains high-level LIFE; it's the program and mission inherent in LIFE. Besides humans, other LIFE forms never consider the notions of fairness or unfairness, simply following their nature.

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