The Three Pillars Preventing Human Extinction


January 8, 2024

The talk of “Doomsday” is prevalent, with fears that humanity will become extinct. This is an unnecessary worry. Humans will continue to exist for billions of years, until the solar system enters the long axis segment of the “Taiji Ellipsoid.”

Here are the reasons why humans will not become extinct:

A cattle farmer who raises 10 cows will not slaughter all 10 cows for meat, nor will he let them starve, fall ill, or be eaten by wolves.

The Earth is that farm, the god who created humans is that cattle farmer, and humans are those cows. Therefore, god will not let humans become extinct.

However, if a farm’s grass can only feed 30 cows, and the number of cows on the farm exceeds 30, then the surplus cows will be dealt with. If we believe there is a “farmer” managing this Earth, then we do not need to worry about human extinction.

Those who have studied the solar system know that the entire solar system serves the Earth, and the Earth serves humans. If there are no humans on Earth, the Earth loses its value of existence. If the Earth disappears, the solar system will collapse. Without the solar system, the Milky Way would be like a person missing a finger, imperfect. Therefore, for the perfection of the Milky Way, humans cannot become extinct.

Because I do not want humans to become extinct, there will be no doomsday, and humans will continue to reproduce. And this “I” might be you, the reader, or him or her.

The above “farmer,” “solar system,” and “I” are the three pillars preventing human extinction.

Ridiculous? Far-fetched? Nonsense?

You can have ten thousand reasons to question or overthrow my “three pillars” theory with factual, scientific, philosophical, and logical reasoning. But what I want to say is that my simple words are talking about the most profound laws and rules of the universe.

The future of humanity is beautiful! In another 20 years, everyone will live a happy, joyful, free, and blissful life in a paradise isolated from the world.

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