The Relationship Between Consciousness and Disease


September 15, 2020

If someone get ill, something must be wrong with their consciousness.

  • Let us compare Bangladesh with Switzerland. Bangladesh is characterized as being dirty, disorderly, and poor. Switzerland is characterized as being clean, orderly, and wealthy. There is a great difference between the two countries in terms of environmental sanitation. Were the mountains, rivers, earth, streets, and lanes in Bangladesh originally filthy and those in Switzerland pristine? Of course not, the problem lies in the collective consciousness of the local people. The Bangalis have never cared about their environmental sanitation, so their environment is filthy, but the Swiss have always paid close attention to theirs, so it is pristine. We will find the same facts and reasons when we go to your neighborhood and we will find that some families are neat and clean with few mosquitoes and flies, while others are filthy and have many of them. If you want to know the reason, the problem lies in the families’ consciousnesses, which has little to do with material wealth, occupations, or even education. From this, we must infer that human bodies are environments and if they are unclean and unmaintained, then they will have diseases. Does the problem come from other people and society? There is no doubt that there is a problem with the consciousness that is in charge of the environment of the body and it can only be concluded that if someone is sick, then something has to be wrong with their consciousness.

  • The story of “mistaking the shadow of a bow in one's cup for a snake” is known throughout China. Du Xuan accepted a drink from a county magistrate. After he returned home, he felt abnormal with unbearable pain in his abdomen, and he could hardly eat or drink. Later, after he realized that the snake he thought he had seen in his cup was only the shadow of a bow hanging on the wall, that there had never been any snake in his cup, his illness cleared up immediately. Is this not a typical consciousness problem? It shows that human diseases are all too often caused by the consciousness.

  • Someone felt just a little bit uncomfortable, but they went to a hospital to be examinated and were informed that they were suffering from late-stage cancer. After returning home, they fell ill. Their symptoms were like those of cancer, they became desperate, and everyone in their family began preparing for their hospitalization. They went to the hospital again to get more test results and found out that it was only a cold. As for the late-stage of cancer, that was just a mistake from reading someone else’s chart. After hearing the news, the patient, who was lying in bed and could hardly walk suddenly jumped up and went home laughing. There have been many such cases, what do they show? They show that many human diseases are made by our consciousnesses.

  • When people are angry and outraged, their hands will tremble, their lips will turn purple, and they will even shiver uncontrollably. Their hands and lips are normal in the beginning, so why would there be trembling and purple coloration; because their consciousness is angry and outraged. If there is no anger or rage in their consciousness, then their hands will not tremble and their lips will not turn purple. This proves that the physical causes of diseases come from people’s consciousnesses.

We can continue to infer logically the reasons that consciousnesses lead to diseases, but we have read enough. Conscious illnesses can lead to physical ones.

If the above logical reasoning fails, then just observe the people who get ill often. If you observe them carefully, you will see that there are many problems in their consciousnesses. They often share personality traits such as passivity, negativity, pessimism, persistence, jealousy, judgementality, being nosy, a tendency to gossip, worry, fanciful thinking, selfishness, greed, desires to dominate, quarrelsomeness, individualism, wanting to punish others, easiness to anger, hate, depression, difficulties sublimating themselves, having heart knots but with reluctance to speak out honestly, and so on. At the same time, let us observe those who are healthy and rarely get sick. What are their characteristics? Are they not open-minded, optimistic, romantic, selfless, giving, praising, laughing, and so forth?

Listen to this: some people feign illnesses to escape labor, to avoid a person or environment, to punish others by abusing themselves, or just to obtain the pity and sympathy of others. Children feign illnesses to avoid going to school, and the same holds true for adults. The severity of the problem is that people who pretend to be ill often are sick in their minds to the point where over time, their bodies actually become ill.

Another phenomenon of people falling ill is giving unhealthy information to their subconscious minds, such as speaking from their hearts, “I really want to lie in bed and have some fucking rest”. After you give your subconscious this instruction, it will mobilize all factors to give you some rest, such as an injury, a fracture, the stomach swelling, headaches, accidents, cuts from knives, and so forth. In other words, their subconsciousness will not lie idle, but will help realize that desire to “lie in bed”. One of the Lifechanyuan values is: “Living in the New Oasis for LIFE, one is not allowed to fall ill”.

Why have you fallen ill? Should you not reflect on it? It has been explained so clearly in the roadmap, but have you followed it? For example, have you thought of the prayers for Chanyuan celestials who live in the Home and prayed every day? I have asked you to frequently participate in flirting; have you done so? Have you done so to eradicate the poisonous weeds in your soul garden, to be more selfless, and so on?

I am sorry that not only do I fail to comfort the sick, but even sprinkle salt on their wounds, but as a guide, my being a truth-teller is a fact that cannot be ignored. Of course, some people's diseases are congenital and come from their births. They are in their genetic sequence which they can do nothing about because every congenital disease carrier bears the consequences of their last life, so they can only bite their bullets and bear them.

To tell you the truth, every LIFE in heaven is free from diseases. To say goodbye to diseases forever, you should do more good deeds, accumulate more merits, and walk strictly in accordance with the roadmap given to you by your spiritual guide.

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