As People, we should not Pursue Justice and Fairness


October 9, 2020

As a person, it is a mistake to pursue justice and fairness in life. I have lived in China, Africa, Oceania with aboriginal people, and now in North America. During the twenty years of building Lifechanyuan, I finally found that life itself is very just and fair and that no one is wronged; therefore, it is known that Tao is most just and fair, that the fairness and justice pursued by people are unnecessary, and that it is not only redundant, but also creates inequality and trouble.

"He lives in a villa, driving a luxury car while I live in a thatched house without even a bike, this is unfair," someone said. I said, "what you see is unfair, but people are suffering from cancer and diabetes; is it also unfair that you have neither?". If someone has cancer, would it be fairer if you shared it? Others were imprisoned and their properties were confiscated; would it not be fairer if you were also locked away?

Is it not unfair that people have been living in heaven but you have to live in this world? Since you seek fairness, why do you not keep your faith unchanged, make constant contributions, and stick to truth, goodness, beauty, love, faith, honesty and peace even while suffering, enduring hardships, and in distress like others? It might be unfair for the Tang monk to become a Buddha but for you to not, but then why did you hide in your comfort zone and not go through adventures as the Tang monk went through his hardships?

I wanted to create a New Oasis for LIFE in the island country of Vanuatu but I found that although the indigenous people lead simple lives, not only were they lazy, but they were also greedy. They did not want to pay, but just wanted to get, and they were short-sighted. Finally, I gave up the idea of building a New Oasis for LIFE there. I lived in Africa for more than ten years. Not only is Africa beautiful, but it is also rich, so why is it still poor and backward? This is a human problem. People are too greedy and keen on petty theft. If all they want is to get something for nothing, then how can they not remain poor and backward? I have lived in China for most of my life. Primitive Africans tribes still maintain their simplicity, but that of the Chinese people has all but disappeared. Everyone has become very shrewd; not only the city people, but even those in the remotest villages have become very shrewd. Moreover, most Chinese are generally not grateful. Not only do they not pay their debts of gratitude, but they also think about how to take their benefactors’ things as their own, such as how they treat the United States. How much welfare has the United States brought to China? Not to mention the Tsinghua University and Peking Union Medical College Hospital which were built with American aid, the United States trained several million scientific, technological, and entrepreneurial management talents for China. Now, everyone uses mobile phones that are patented in the United States, let alone electric lights, HDTVs, supermarkets, and much, much more. Have we been grateful for this? Not only have we been ungrateful, but we have also scolded the United States to death.

Everyone studies mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology, but from where have we gotten the knowledge of these disciplines? All are from the west. On one hand, we enjoy the welfare of others, but on the other one, we scold them. Is it smart, ignorant or ungrateful? In addition, if we look at social media groups, we find that almost everyone is a judge and a master. We draw conclusions and judge people with no deep understanding of them. We regard ourselves masters and try to guide others after we have learned very little spiritual understanding. People accuse the government of being autocratic but the reality is that everyone is really that way; even beggars want to dictate and rule over other beggars. Are Chinese parents not autocratic dictators over their children? Between married couples, do both not try to rule and dictate over each other? So, the status of the indigenous people, of Africa and China shows nothing about unjustness or unfairness. From the creation of Lifechanyuan to the New Oasis for LIFE, I have found that China is suffering from severe disasters, but what about the inequities created by everyone? Each generation must eat the bitter fruit left from the previous one and no one can escape that.

What about the life mode of the New Oasis for LIFE? Who can say that it is not good? The government wants to destroy it, but to where would they wish to take our people? Can you sit down and argue with Xuefeng? China has ninety-million Communist party members, each of whom swore to fight for the realization of communism throughout their lifetimes, but have they praised the emergence of the Communist seedling on the Chinese earth? Have they encouraged it or are they the ones who “professed love of what they actually feared”? Are the common people pursuing better lives? What kind of good life are you pursuing? Is it better than those within the New Oasis for LIFE of Lifechanyuan? People! Cheating yourself is enough, do not try to cheat and anesthetize others, we are all Chinese, we know each other! This is it!

After living in North America for several years, I feel that it offers the best life for me, though I have no love for capitalism, nor do I recognize that the American and Canadian lifestyle is the most ideal one for mankind, but westerners enjoy more than any others in any other part of the world. It is not unjust or unfair, but determined by people's quality. People talk about the decline of the United States, the rise of the East, and the twenty-first century being the one for China, but it seems so absurd to me. I have nothing to say to those people who are mentally masturbating so absurdly. What are unrealistic dreams? The ones that people are having now come pretty close.

Everything happening on earth is fair and just; the status quo of each country is and everyone’s present situation is. The Ancestor of Buddha - the Greatest Creator - has never wronged any nationality, any country, or any person. Therefore, people should not pursue justice and fairness because no one can create either one.

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