Spanish Boy Francesco Experiences Community Life

Qianzi Celestial

On August 1st, the Thailand community welcomed a visitor from Spain. Francesco, a handsome and gentle young man with a sunny disposition, brought a fresh burst of energy and vitality to the Thailand community, lifting the spirits of the fairies here.

Francesco values personal experiences and growth, and he is sensitive to the energy fields of his surroundings and the people around him. After graduating from university, he began a two-year journey of work and life in Australia at the age of 20, seeking to find himself. Now, having finished his journey in Australia, he decided to return to Spain to reunite with his family. On his way back, he chose to stop by the Thailand community to help us with some volunteer work. Unfortunately, it rained continuously for several days after his arrival. During the first two days, we introduced him to Lifechanyuan and the community's way of life, watched community videos together, and got to know each other better through conversations. Growing up in a Christian family, Francesco expressed understanding of Lifechanyuan's concepts of the Greatest Creator, various LIFE forms, and the description of Heaven. Although he hasn't seen it with his own eyes, he believes there are LIFE forms in the universe with higher energy levels than humans.

After the rain stopped, Francesco helped weed the vegetable garden, plant roselle, organize the warehouse, and collect weeds. Having previously experienced physical labor in the mundane world, he thoroughly enjoyed the various physical tasks in the community, not minding the dirt or the heat.

On August 11th, Francesco's last day before leaving, we held a game event in the morning, designed and hosted by Baichuan Fairy as usual. The games were as exciting and fun as always, and everyone had a great time. In the afternoon, we enjoyed a delicious hotpot and barbecue together. After dinner, our loved ones sang to express their affection and warmth to our guest, showcasing their artistic talents. Jiejing passionately interacted with the guest, performing the Lifechanyuan versions of "Where is Spring" and "Heal the World," making the atmosphere even warmer and more joyful.

Francesco said that he had only learned about eco-communities or consensus communities online, where members live together not for money or material things but to pursue inner peace and happiness. Here, for the first time, he experienced this way of life firsthand. He felt relaxed, natural, happy, and beautiful. He said he learned many things and lessons from us, which broadened his horizons and thinking. He believes that the new knowledge and insights will be beneficial for his future personal growth and development, and he expressed his gratitude to us repeatedly. Impressed by the charm of Lifechanyuan's Second Home, he shared his experiences at the Thailand community with his sister and friends, sparking their interest as well. He hopes to have the opportunity to visit the community again in the future, perhaps with his sister or friends.

Games played during Francesco's farewell on 8.11 (as described by Baichuan):

1.Prayers + Opening Group Dance "Green Tornado"

2.Back-to-Back Balloon Race: Two people in a group, back to back, run with a balloon between them. They must turn around a point, return to the start, and pop the balloon.

3.Balloon Pass: Form a circle, and pass the balloon without using your hands, using any other part of your body instead.

4.Advancing Little Train: Line up, with the person behind lifting the leg of the person in front with their left hand and placing their right hand on the right shoulder of the person in front, forming a small train. The last person must hop forward on one foot. Navigate through obstacles and return to the start.

5.Sandbag Toss: Two people toss sandbags, and the others stand inside a circle. Catching the sandbag earns a life, and being hit results in elimination.

6.Action Sequence: Two people go on stage. One person does an action, and the other must follow it and add a new action. The sequence continues. If someone cannot continue, they lose.

7.Clock Posing: Three people in a group; one person acts as the hour hand, another as the minute hand, and the third as the second hand.

Find the Leader

8.Back-to-Back Rising: Four people form a circle, standing back to back, linking arms on the sides. They must rise without using their hands. After rising, add more people.

9.Group Sentence Formation: Each person says one word to form a coherent sentence.

10.Cup Water Transfer: Each person has a paper cup. Transfer the water in the cup using only the mouth to pour into the next person's cup.

11.Topsy-Turvy: Form a circle and count in a counterclockwise direction, with sixteen numbers in 12.each cycle. Rules: Reverse three and four, skip seven and eight, reverse thirteen and fourteen, say "the moon" instead of fifteen, and make a circle gesture with both hands instead of saying sixteen. Anyone who makes a mistake must invent a new action or pose for everyone to follow.

13.Group Creation: Draw on a whiteboard, with each person adding one stroke.

We sincerely thank Baichuan for carefully designing the game activities, and we also thank Yaqian, Jiaoe, Yangle, Yixian, Baichuan, and Jiejing for taking photos to capture and share the wonderful moments of community life with more loved ones. We are grateful to all the dear ones in the Thailand community for their heartfelt contributions. It's so good to have all of you!


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