Eight Invisible External Factors Influencing our Lives


May 9, 2020

We should be aware of these eight mysterious and invisible factors that influence our lives:

1.Feng Shui (geomantic omens)

2.Gods and Deities

3.Grievances and Curses of Others

4.Ancestral Virtues and Sins

5.Solar Radiation

6.Socio-ecological Environments

7.Destiny Trajectories


Let us examine each one of them in greater detail:

1.Feng Shui mainly refers to one’s geographical and atmospheric environments, the veins flowing underground, the humidity or dryness of the climate, whether the air is fresh and its flow is smooth and unobstructed, whether there is sufficient light and the geomagnetic field is comfortable and pleasant, as well as the water quality and the chemical elements contained within and whether it is alkaline or acidic, and so on. It is really not easy to find a perfect geomantic omen place. The best way to avoid long-term damage to yourself by certain unfavorable factors is to change your living space often. Most chronic diseases are caused by Feng Shui, and they can be cured after changing one’s environment. For example, if people with arthritis who live in humid areas can relocate themselves to places with drier humidities for three to five years, their arthritis can heal completely. People in my hometown in the Thousand-year World never get sick for many reasons but one of them is that people change their living environments often. This is why I emphasize that Lifechanyuan celestials must move to another home every three years. When there are two-hundred and fifty-six homes (New Oasis for Life) on the earth, it will be hard to get sick for a lifetime if you relocate yourself every three years.

2.Affection of Gods and Deities. Everything has spirituality. What we call heaven gods, mountain gods, water gods, earth gods, and so forth are actual gods and deities, and if we worship them in our hearts, then we will have no bad luck. For example, if you want to climb a mountain, pray to it and ask its god for protection, and you will not fall or injure yourself during your climb. If you pray to a river god or deity when crossing its river, then you will cross it safely. If you soothe and comfort the trees, flowers, insects, birds, and beasts where you live, then you will face no misfortune.

3.Other People’s Grievances and Curses are very harmful to life. If you do not believe me, then you should live among people who are full of grievances. It will not only make people lose their fighting spirits, courage, and confidence in their pursuit of better lives, but it will also cause people to become depressed, get sick, and have nightmares. Curses are even more powerful; they are silent harm from their hearts and invisible thought powers. It is also a curse to secretly cut a ground vein or manipulate an ancestor’s grave. Curses will lead to the declines and extinctions of families and nations. They will even lead to sudden disasters, so it is best to remain cognizant.

4.Ancestral Virtue and Sin Karma have great impacts on life. An ancestor’s virtuous karma can help their descendants to flourish and prosper, but their sin karma can lead them to wither and decline; therefore, whether our lives are smooth or full of ups and downs, we must consult whether the karma that our ancestors created for us is virtuous or sinful. After learning the answer, we can find a way to remedy it. Otherwise, the trajectory of our lives will not change.

5.Solar Radiation. People whose ancestors lived in or near the tropics tend to have darker skin, while those whose ancestors lived closer to either of earth’s poles have lighter skin. This is caused by the amount of ultraviolet solar radiation that is present. We need to be exposed to the right amount for proper vitamin D production, neither too much nor too little. The amount varies with our latitude and we can often change it to alleviate the damage of insufficient or excess ultraviolet solar radiation.

6.The Socio-ecological Environment is crucial to the formation of human personalities and consciousnesses. It includes factors such as culture, beliefs, conventions, customs, overall values, and the outlooks on life, LIFE, and the universe. If you are enclosed in a bad socio-ecological environment for a long time, you will become incapable of distinguishing fragrance from stench, it will be hard for you to know that there are mountains beyond mountains and skies above skies, and you will live very ignorantly.

7.The Trajectory of Fate is an invisible binding force created by people’s previous lives’ merits and demerits, as well as an invisible manipulating force. The eighteen unmanageable factors of life are an invisible arrangement of the trajectory of fate. “Why am I so lucky or unlucky?”, “Why have I met such a noble or unreasonable person?", and other such questions are established arrangements along the trajectory of fate. To change that, to resolve or continue your trajectory of fate, you must self-cultivate and self-refine.

8.The Influence of Mathematics is mysterious. Symmetry and proportion are very important. To be symmetrical and proportional, you must work hard on the math. The figure of the “golden section” looks beautiful, and this is caused by perfect symmetry and the most appropriate proportions. Symmetry and proportion must follow math strictly. Math is the principle of numbers. The more symmetrical things are, the longer their lifespans, and the more symmetrical a LIFE is, the healthier it is. Once the math falls out of balance, a LIFE will quickly decay and die, and it also becomes easier to suffer from nature. Therefore, how high a house should be, how big its doors and windows should be, how far or close it should be to the neighbor’s house, how many sets of clothes and shoes should be stored in its closets, how high its tables, stoves, and windows should be, on which dates you can go out for trips or important meetings should be held, on which date the construction of the house should be started, how many plates, forks, and chopsticks should a family have, how big your house should be, and so on are all in the math. If the math is suitable, then everything will go well, but if it is not, then everything will go against your will.

There are sixty-four factors that affect people. The permutations and combinations of them are astronomical figures. As a person, it is hard to attend to one thing without neglecting another. The simplest method available is to follow the way of the Greatest Creator; the path of Lifechanyuan.

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