The Standards of Good (Kind) People and Bad (Evil) People


March 17, 2011

The Standards of Good (Kind) People:

· All those who bring joy, happiness, freedom, and blessings to others are good (kind) people.

· All those who lead others to the way of the Greatest Creator are good (kind) people.

· All those who help others to get through difficulties are good (kind) people.

· All those who promote others into good and harmonious relationships are good (kind) people.

· All those who love and cherish nature and LIFE are good (kind) people.

· All those who promote human beings toward the directions of peace, union, and prosperity are good (kind) people.

· All those who can live independently but do not bring troubles or pain to others are good (kind) people.

· All those who lead others to a wonderful future are good (kind) people.

The Standards of Bad (Evil) People:

· All those who bring to others, troubles, pain, fear, and anxieties are bad (evil) people.

· All those who lead others to the way of the devil are bad (evil) people.

· All those who lead others into difficulties are bad (evil) people.

· All those who destroy nature and hurt life beings are bad (evil) people.

· All those who block others’ good futures are bad (evil) people.

· All those who impose their own wills upon others are bad (evil) people.

· All those who make and spread rumors are bad (evil) people.

· All those who urge others to enter into marriage, traditional families, or any organizations are bad (evil) people.

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