Misfortune Is the Starting Point of Turning Points on the Journey Of LIFE


Jan. 09, 2022

As a guide in Lifechanyuan, I understand that Lifechanyuan members who follow the guide to climb the peak of LIFE know that whether it's the articles I write or myself, everything is presented truthfully and transparently to the public. I have nothing to hide or conceal. I am transparent, I am real. There is no hypocrisy, no artificiality, no pretense, no schemes, no tactics. What I say may not be completely correct, and what I do may not be flawless, but what I say and do is a genuine expression of my true self.

I speak out about the insights, experiences, and viewpoints I have gained on my journey of life, hoping that they may have some value as references.

I experienced the years of hunger in 1958 and 1960 and almost starved to death. That was misfortune. However, the result of this misfortune is that I have found every meal I eat in my life to be delicious, whether it's the sour taste of northern cuisine, the spicy taste of central cuisine, or the sweet taste of southern cuisine. Whether it's Chinese, Western, or African cuisine, they are all enjoyable. This is because I have a belief in my heart that simply having enough food to fill our stomachs in life is happiness.

In 1980, I studied at Zhangjiakou Geological Technical School, specializing in being a fitter. During one semester, I was assigned to the automotive repair workshop to learn car mechanics. The master had two apprentices, and one day the master asked his two apprentices to let me practice driving by taking the car to the school playground. The older apprentice explained to me how to operate the car and then got out of the car. However, the younger apprentice grabbed the steering wheel and started the car, practicing without ever letting me drive. During the practice, students from the fitter class and mechanic class came to the playground for physical education, and the younger apprentice was driving in a reckless manner. It was unfortunate for me that the younger apprentice didn't let me drive, but this misfortune saved me from disaster. Every time I think of that scene sitting in the driver's seat on the school playground, watching the younger apprentice nervously practicing driving, I am grateful that fate didn't let me drive that day. If the person holding the steering wheel had been me instead of the younger apprentice, I could have driven and hit many classmates, with terrible consequences.

I might have been born with the qualities to become an official. During my primary school, middle school, technical school, college, and the first semester of university, I was almost always the class monitor. At the age of 18, I became the deputy secretary of a brigade managing eleven production teams. In 1984, I was designated as the director of the "third echelon" in the Geological Hydrology Third Team. In 1988, I was designated as the principal of a school for children of employees in the Geological Bureau. In 1992, I was designated as the director of a prospecting machinery factory. Unfortunately, I messed up all these positions because I didn't take those official positions seriously. Looking back today, this misfortune was actually a great blessing. If I had become an official at the time, according to what my wife said in 1993, "I would have already been the governor of Gansu Province." If that were the case, there would be a 90% chance that I would have become a corrupt official and could have ended up in prison. Even if I didn't end up in prison, my name would certainly be "infamous" throughout history.

In 1994, while I was abroad, the official's vehicle broke down. I was asked to drive it to Blavoye, more than 200 kilometers away, for repairs. As I was the translator, no one else could handle it. The owner of the repair shop was a white person who said it would take three days to fix the car. So I handed the car over to the repair shop and returned to the base. However, that evening, I was subjected to the official's insults. He wanted me to fix the car and bring it back the same day. Faced with such irrational treatment from my superior, I quit on the spot. This unfortunate event led me to leave the system I had finally entered. Later, I started my own business and embarked on the path of self-reliance. Thanks to the irrational insults from the official, I finally found my path to freedom. At a time when there were very few private cars in China, I already had a sedan and a van, and I was living in a spacious villa with a front and back yard and a swimming pool. I employed two people to maintain the garden and clean and wash clothes for me.

Over twenty years ago, I had a car accident, an unfortunate event. However, it was that car accident that became a major turning point on my journey of life, completely changing the trajectory of my life and leading me onto the way of the Greatest Creator, finding the way to heaven.

In China, due to the establishment of Lifechanyuan and the Second Home, I faced suppression from the government. Over ten communities were destroyed. This was misfortune. But precisely because of these misfortunes, I was pushed to Canada. In Canada, the land is vast, and I live on 40,000 square meters of private land. According to my friends, where I live is a mansion with ten bathrooms, two washrooms, and six showers. I enjoy a peaceful, harmonious, and secure heavenly life.

From the aforementioned unfortunate events, what have we realized? In fact, when we encounter unfortunate events, we feel anxious, suffer, worry, and even become resentful. However, in most cases, misfortune is precisely the turning point in life. It is truly said, " good fortune lies within bad and bad fortune lurks within good." When we understand this, when faced with misfortunes on the journey of life, we face them calmly, accept them willingly, and may even secretly rejoice. Therefore, when misfortune befalls us, we must remain calm, not panic, not go mad, not complain, and certainly not become angry. As long as we are alive, we can await the day when the clouds disperse and flowers bloom.

The members of Lifechanyuan all know that when I lost sight in one of my eyes, everyone worried about me. But I smiled and declared, "Haha! From now on, I can see everything clearly with just one eye! Since the day I began losing my eyesight until today, I haven't really cared about the loss of one eye. Who knows whether it is a good thing or a bad thing?"

When the Chinese government released a video message calling the Second Home created by Lifechanyuan an "evil community," I laughed and felt delighted all day long. How marvelous! Darkness curses the light, and the light becomes even brighter. Calling me, Xuefeng, evil only serves to prove that it is a case of thieves crying "catch the thief." As a result, the status, value, and significance of Lifechanyuan in history will shine even more brilliantly, and future generations will have profound respect when they hear about Lifechanyuan.

When numerous unfortunate events occur on the journey of life, congratulations! The gates of heaven have already opened for you.

Misfortune is the starting point of turning points on the journey of life. Please cherish misfortune.

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