Being a Human Knowledge (1)


Oct. 4, 2022

The more chaotic and morally corrupt the era, the more important it is to maintain one's integrity. In a society with complex and confused values, it is crucial to uphold one's integrity. In times of social unrest and anxiety, it is even more important to stay true to oneself. When facing personal adversity, oppression, poverty, and illness, it is essential to maintain one's integrity.

Being a human is not about being a good or kind person, achieving status or wealth, seeking the approval and praise of others, or becoming successful in the future. It is about living with dignity, peace of mind, prospects, and being truly human, not like a ghost, demon, monster, devil, or beast.

I will first list the following 28 principles as the fundamental knowledge for being a human:

  1. Never break your promises. Keeping your word is the foremost duty of being a human. Once you break your trust with someone, it is difficult to restore it. A single act of betrayal can have lifelong consequences.

  2. Maintain a sense of gratitude. Regardless of who they are, if someone has shown you even the slightest kindness, remember it forever. As a result, always respect and honor your parents, express gratitude to teachers, masters, and mentors, cherish the bond of siblings, and be thankful to anyone who has helped you in any situation. Be grateful to the opposite sex with whom you have had intimate relationships. Although it may be impossible to fully repay a favor, always remember it and treat those who have helped you with utmost respect, using gentle words, humble gestures, and a warm expression.

  3. Do not argue with elders.

  4. Do not bully those who are weaker, poorer, or disadvantaged.

  5. Do not ridicule those with physical disabilities.

  6. Do not bully widows, widowers, or individuals with disabilities.

  7. Prioritize the well-being of the elderly and women when there are advantages or benefits in the current situation.

  8. Do not waste even a morsel of food.

  9. Do not compete with superiors for recognition.

  10. Use only what you earn through your own labor and never exploit even the smallest advantage.

  11. In a group, listen more to those who are more important than yourself and speak less.

  12. Expand outwardly and do not compete for profits with siblings.

  13. Do not disrespect deities, gods, buddhas, celestials, and saints.

  14. Do not enter someone's home or bedroom without permission.

  15. Do not pocket anything found on the ground.

  16. Do not interfere in other people's affairs unless asked.

  17. Never intrude upon others' privacy, including refraining from reading their letters and phone messages, and avoiding engaging in gossip. Especially avoid prying into the privacy of close friends, family, and romantic partners.

  18. Do not voluntarily report the crimes of close relatives to the authorities.

  19. Do what you are capable of doing and do it well. Do not undertake tasks beyond your ability.

  20. Do what you truly enjoy from the depths of your heart, rather than being led by vanity and money.

  21. Have at least two sincere friends who can mutually support each other.

  22. Adapt to local customs and do not cling stubbornly to your own opinions. Avoid having peculiar tastes and demands.

  23. Learn to accept things as they are Don't scheme and strive for grand achievements, and only accept rewards when deserving.

  24. In any situation, at any time, prioritize harmonious interactions with others.

  25. Do not engage in theft, robbery, gambling, drug trafficking, rebellion, deception, abduction activities and organizations.

  26. Never attempt to change others. Act in accordance with your nature, associate with others by following natural come-and-go relations, accept things as they are, and take advantage of opportunities that arise.

  27. Obey laws and regulations. Even if 99 out of 100 people disregard the law, you must persist in adhering to it.

  28. Foster independent thinking and entrepreneurship from a young age.

These 28 principles are the basic guidelines for being a human. Being a human is difficult, sometimes feeling "helpless in the world." But while the body may be beyond our control, our hearts are within our control. As long as we adhere to these basic principles throughout our lives, gradually, we will distance ourselves from suffering and calamities, moving towards good fortune and auspiciousness, and lay a solid foundation for our future cultivation, enabling us to embark on the path of becoming celestial beings or Buddhas and embarking on a spiritual journey towards heaven.

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