The Power of Thinking


Let me begin with an example. In the fifth issue of Reader in 1997, there was a short article with the following content:

One day, during a casual conversation, Zheng Zhenduo asked Liu Zhemin, "Do you know how one can die the most peaceful death?" Zhemin was at a loss for words. Zhenduo remarked, "The best way for someone to die is by falling from an airplane; it's the most peaceful death." Ironically, on October 17, 1958, while leading a cultural delegation to Afghanistan, Zhenduo's plane crashed, and he passed away at the age of sixty-one.

You must have recognized the power of Thinking. Zheng Zhenduo's death from falling out of an airplane was not accidental but rather a result of his thinking. (There are numerous such instances; you can explore them on your own)

Thinking is a form of nonmaterial that communicates with negative cosmic energy. The path ahead of us is not determined by our actions but rather controlled by our thinking. Whether positive or negative, once our thinking is set, the energy of the negative universe will fully align to achieve our goals. (I'd rather not delve deeper into this, to prevent others from mastering its laws and causing harm to others)

Let me offer a few unique examples for you to ponder or experiment with.

Take a piece of paper the size of a bank check and firmly believe in your mind that it's a flawless bank check with the exact amount written on it. Head to the bank to cash it, and the teller will surely comply. However, any trace of doubt in your mind will lead to failure.

Lock yourself in a room with closed doors and windows and practice how to exit it. If you eliminate the presence of tangible objects like walls and doors from your thinking, you can easily leave. But if even a slight doubt exists, you'll inevitably hit a wall.

Those who can walk on water don't perceive it as such beneath their feet. If you start to panic or doubt the water's ability to support you while walking on it, you'll sink immediately.

Attempt to infiltrate a heavily guarded location. By envisioning yourself as invisible in your mind, you can confidently enter and exit. However, the slightest fear will immediately alert the guards.

Stand atop a high-rise building or a cliff's edge and imagine flying to another high point without any tools. Conventional thinking deems it impossible and reckless, yet unconventional thinkers can achieve it.

By conventional standards, the aforementioned scenarios are mere fantasies and delusions. If you hold this view, it indicates your normalcy, rationality, and scientific mindset. Finding them intriguing suggests you possess the capacity for unconventional thinking. Recognizing the superficiality of our understanding of the material world implies that such feats are entirely plausible, signifying a departure from conventional thinking. Further development will unveil more mysteries of the universe.

Thinking is one of the most potent energies in the cosmos. Those who master it wield boundless power and can invisibly influence LIFE and death. Mastery depends on our self-cultivation, while accessing higher realms hinges on our self-improvement.

Here, what I want to declare is:

1. When it comes to unusual endeavors, start with the small steps. Don’t rush to summon winds and call forth rain or command the wind and clouds right from the start. As your self-cultivation improves, many things will naturally come to fruition. If you're eager for success and attempt to achieve it overnight, pushing hard before it's time, you do so at your own risk.

2. The path to attaining great power is deceptively simple, once hinted at, it becomes clear. With heightened spiritual power, compassion becomes paramount. Avoid arrogance, complacency, or actions that may harm others. If you stray onto a darker path, don't blame me when regret sets in too late. Should you ever ascend to higher realms, remember the origins of your unconventional thinking in your heart, so as not to violate the rules of heaven and end up like water without a source or a tree without roots.

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