Random Talk About Unconventional Thinking


Where do people come from, and where do they go to? What is the essence of LIFE? What is the purpose of living? What is the goal of life? What is the value and the meaning of life?

Is LIFE accidental? Is death inevitable? Is there a causal relationship between LIFE and death?

Do all the phenomena in nature happen accidentally, or are they predestined? Why did Einstein doubt quantum mechanics? Does the "uncertainty" principle of quantum mechanics indicate that the universe is disordered?

How was the universe born? Is there a Greatest Creator in the universe? Are there gods, buddhas, angels and demons?

How was LIFE born? Was it created by the Greatest Creator? Or did it evolve from organisms over thousands of billions of years?

It is stated in the "Bible" that all animals on the earth are intended for humans, and humans can eat their meat; and the Buddhist "Shurangama Sutra" clearly tells us that we must not kill animals or eat their meat. What exactly is going on?

Were Adam and Eve the ancestors of all mankind? Were they also the ancestors of American Indians, Asian yellow races, African blacks, and European whites?

What is destiny? Does everyone have their own trajectory of LIFE? If so, can this "trajectory of LIFE" be changed?

What exactly did Lao Tzu mean by "Tao" in The Tao Te Ching? Can one become immortal by attaining Tao?

For thousands of years, sages of all ethnic groups have been exploring the mysteries of the universe and the true meaning of life, but the answer is still far from us. In the last 100 years, due to the development of industrialization, especially the rapid advancement of transportation and the information technology, people’s vision has become limited in the field of science, and the light of science has enveloped people’s consciousness and thinking, prompting people to gallop freely in the physical realm of common sense, but they cannot enter the higher-level physical realm. Although "New Era" thinking appeared in the 50s and 60s of last century, it was only a faint glimmer of rational thinking, which could not be understood and accepted by the public.

Nowadays, people are too busy with their daily activities due to the accelerated pace of life and have no time to calm down and think. Although universities around the world produce millions of college students and graduate students every year, they are basically biological robots. Their thinking is running according to scientific procedures, and few people can break through this existing way of thinking.

In comparison, people today have more knowledge and materials than in the past, and they use more advanced methods to create things that humans need. They eat, wear, use, and play more, and better, and are richer than in the past. People are supposed to be more leisurely, freer, and more relaxed, but the reality is that instead of feeling more relaxed and freer, people feel more exhausted and stressed.

We can’t help asking: is there something wrong with the way that humans have been thinking for thousands of years? Or do humans need unconventional thinking?

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