18 Items of Unconventional Thinking


Oct. 8, 2005

  1. There is no absolutely closed space.

  2. Time does not exist.

  3. Everyone is a cell of the Greatest Creator.

  4. Going straight forward, one will return to the origin.

  5. You can put on your shoes first and then your socks.

  6. Rotating 360 degrees, one cannot return to the origin.

  7. Stones can also cross rivers.

  8. LIFE is not LIFE, but death; death is not death, but LIFE.

  9. Parallel lines can intersect.

  10. What the eyes see is not real.

  11. Human beings cannot manage themselves well.

  12. Man has no original sin, only primitivity.

  13. Consciousness determines everything.

  14. Paradise exists in every possible way.

  15. Truth and falsehood, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, love and hatred coexist with each other. There is no absolute truth, goodness, beauty, and love, nor absolute falsehood, evil, ugliness and hatred.

  16. What the brain can imagine is real.

  17. The more you possess, the more you lose.

  18. People can live completely in consciousness.

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