Your Wishes Shape Your Life


March 22, 2024

There’s someone who always complains. He complains about others not caring for him, about their selfishness, and about the unfairness of society. His life is a mess, disorganized, and he wishes for a complete overhaul of society. He hopes that the frightening prophecies of seers from all times and places will come true soon. I asked him, “What kind of life do you actually want to live?” It turns out, he couldn’t describe what kind of life he wanted or give a clear picture of his future life scenario.

Now, I ask you, the reader, what kind of life do you want to live? Can you clearly describe the detailed and specific life scenario you wish to live?

I’m confident that ninety percent of people have never really thought about the kind of life they truly need. Even among those who have, their ideas are often impractical or full of contradictions.

Have you noticed the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters in recent years? Have you observed the escalating tensions of the Russia-Ukraine war, the Israel-Palestine conflict, the chaos in Haiti, and the intensifying civil unrest in Sudan? Have you recognized that a major country is on the brink of a severe economic depression? And have you seen the increasing number of prophets whose predictions are alarmingly accurate?

I can tell you with certainty that all of this is the result of the collective wishes of the people.

Why are some prophets’ predictions so precise? That’s because the collective wishes have not changed. Once the collective wishes change, everything will change, all prophets’ predictions will fail, and all prophecies will go bankrupt. You must all be aware of “The Four Lessons of Liao-Fan.” The life of Yuan Liao-Fan was accurately predicted by a fortune-teller, but later, after being guided by a wise man, Yuan learned the principle that “one’s destiny is created by oneself, and one’s fortune is sought by oneself,” and the fortune-teller’s predictions went bankrupt.

Laozi spoke of an unveiled mystery: the Dao is very fair, and it will fulfill everyone’s wishes. Whatever your wishes are, you will live the life you wish for, but the wishes must comply with the laws of nature. For example, our wishes cannot be like this: “My wish is to plant a walnut tree, but I don’t want it to bear walnuts; I want it to bear gold.” Such a wish does not comply with the laws of nature.

I ask: What are your wishes? What kind of life do you really want to live?

I want to warn humanity that if our wishes do not change, then the laws of social development will not change, natural disasters will intensify, and human society will become more turbulent and unstable, and the prophets’ predictions will come true.

However, if our wishes change, if they change towards the Xuefeng Style Communism, then natural disasters will gradually subside, humanity will gradually move towards peace and auspiciousness, and everyone will live a heavenly life. All the predictions of historical and contemporary prophets will fail.

Do not wait for gods or Buddhas to save you, do not wait for some Galactic Alliance to save you. It is precisely us who save ourselves.

Last updated