Truth, Goodness and Beauty - the Core Value of Human Nature (5)

The Perspective of Human Nature -- Lifechanyuan


Ⅴ. Conclusion

Truth, goodness and beauty are the origin of the art forms in the world, the attributes of the Greatest Creator and the core values of human nature. Truth is the origin of the art form; goodness is an orderly and harmonious mechanism to safeguard the art form; beauty is the harmony, proportion, collocation and symmetry of the art form. The combination of the universe is the combination of truth, goodness and beauty without which there will be no the universe.。

Human is a kind of art form as well as a kind of art metamorphosis of truth, goodness and beauty. Truth, goodness and beauty have the features of immutability, but all the rest are just works of art which will change along with the changes of time and space.

The lofty ideal is a kind of ideological level in seeking and safeguarding truth, goodness and beauty. This ideological level can make a man's life a continuing transit to the eternal truth, goodness and beauty, and will eventually win the eternity of life.

The essential difference of the Ignorant person, the Laity, the Mortal, the Sage and the Saint lies in the different remaining proportion of the ingredient in its own human nature; the fewer the ingredients, the more likely to locate in the state of animal world; the more the ingredients, the more likely to move towards the Sage, the Celestial, to become the Celestial Being, the God and the Buddha. This is not the far-fetched false talk, as long as there is the relatively perfect quality of truth, goodness and beauty in our human nature. Isn't it difficult to become a Celestial Being?

The thousand-year world, the ten-thousand-year world and Elysium world are the perfect world of truth, goodness and beauty. If we can reach the perfect standard of truth, goodness and beauty, it is not difficult for us to enter the high-level life space.

Little strokes fell great oaks; constant effort brings success; the pursuers of truth, goodness and beauty need continuous gnosis and exploration, continuous insight into a profound theory.

Things will be easily settled when conditions are ripe; whether we can reach the perfect world of truth, goodness and beauty completely depends on the secret of nature.

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