Diagnose Whether You Have a Spiritual Illness


March 31, 2024

It’s normal for humans to experience physical, mental, and spiritual illnesses. But when these conditions become severe, they require treatment to ensure a happy life.

Of these, spiritual illness is the most hidden yet most impactful on life. It affects both mind and body, but with a healthy spirit, one can still lead a good life despite other illnesses. In fact, a truly healthy spirit makes it difficult to suffer from mental or physical ailments.

Thus, it’s crucial to maintain spiritual health. Here are some indicators of spiritual illness. If you identify with one or many of the following eight factors, it’s important to realize that you may be suffering from a spiritual illness.

Blaspheming against the Greatest Creator, gods, Buddhas, saints, and ancestors. Idolizing power, chasing wealth, and ignoring family, friends, and laws. Being insensitive to the pain of nature and life, showing no compassion when harming or killing animals. Enjoying horror, disaster, war, and gunfight movies, lacking compassion when seeing death and bloody scenes. Lack of respect. Respecting the elderly and loving the young is not just a moral concept but a natural human sentiment. One should be respectful to the elderly, teachers, masters, and superiors. Respect does not mean blind obedience; it is merely a display of one’s education, cultivation, and refinement.

Lack of awe. Fearless of heaven and earth, not afraid of divine punishment or karmic retribution, acting on whims.

Lack of faith, ideals, or a sense of morality, driven only by obedience and profit.

Being closed-minded and conservative, discriminating against outsiders, arrogant, resentful, envious, desiring unearned gains, and hoping to get rich overnight.

Spiritual illness can lead to a series of problems. Firstly, it will cause great harm to oneself, leading to a life full of obstacles and even disasters. It will cause society to be unstable and fraught with crises. Secondly, it will lead to disorder in nature, abnormal heat and cold, frequent droughts and floods, wildfires, hurricanes, insect plagues, locust plagues, and viruses.

Please pay attention and explore: those with a healthy spirit rarely get sick and have a life full of good fortune. Nations with a healthy collective spirit are peaceful, tranquil, and civilized. Conversely, if a person’s life is full of obstacles, they definitely have a spiritual illness. If a nation suffers from many disasters, it is certain that the nation as a whole has a spiritual illness.

Everything visible is determined by invisible factors. Spiritual illness is invisible, but it determines the difficulties in our reality and a series of annoyances, pains, and disasters.

May everyone possess a healthy spirit for a heavenly future.

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