The Leap of Life Requires Rebirth


July 22, 2024

The transition from human to celestial being is a significant leap in life, a transformation from one form to another, requiring a complete rebirth.

What is rebirth? A butterfly emerges from a caterpillar. This transformation from caterpillar to butterfly is a form of rebirth, a leap in life.

Recently, I was amazed to discover a phenomenon: some dandelions in the resort area of the Lifechanyuan International Family in North America have transformed into plantains. This is almost unimaginable, especially along the roads leading to the independent cabins, where most of the dandelions have become plantains. This is a natural wonder and an enlightenment from the Tao.

The resort area of Lifechanyuan is filled with dandelions, densely covering the grass and slopes. When they bloom, the ground is covered in a golden hue, which is quite beautiful. However, once the golden flowers turn into white fluffs, these parachute-like seeds fly everywhere with the wind, covering the screen windows and becoming quite a nuisance.

Recently, I visited Bella Coola and noticed that within an hour's drive around the area, there was not a single dandelion. I thought, how wonderful it would be if our resort area had no dandelions.

Interestingly, a small number of dandelions in the resort have transformed, undergoing a rebirth, and become plantains. I like plantains not only because their seeds can be used as medicine but also because their leaves can be eaten as vegetables. When I was a child, I often dug up plantains in the spring to make pickles.

A caterpillar that crawls on the ground undergoes a rebirth to become a butterfly, fluttering among the blooming flowers. Dandelions undergo a rebirth to become the more valuable and likable plantains. These phenomena teach us that humans can undergo a rebirth to become celestial beings. Any life that undergoes a rebirth is making a significant leap.

For humans to achieve a rebirth and become celestial beings, they need to follow six words: unselfishness, selflessness, and non-attachment.

Having selfishness, ego, and attachment is human nature; being unselfish, selfless, and non-attached is celestial nature.

Once a person reaches the state of unselfishness, selflessness, and non-attachment, they undergo a rebirth, much like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly or a dandelion into a plantain. They can then go to the celestial realm and enjoy the life of a celestial being.

Even on earth, a person who is unselfish, selfless, and non-attached already lives a celestial life, not a human life. The current state of many Chanyuan Celestials can prove this.

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