Explaining the Regional Properties of Souls


October 16, 2006

Number seven of the eight features of souls describe their regional properties, but what does this mean? It means that all souls are bound to reincarnate into those places and cultures where they are most familiar. Black people are bound to reincarnate into black, white people reincarnate into white, and yellow ones into yellow. Japanese individuals usually reincarnate into Japanese cultures, Chinese into Chinese cultures, and Indians into Indian cultural environments.

Why is this so? It is because of the structure of LIFE. Water droplets fuse together easily as they also do with milk, but they will NEVER fuse with oil; this is a characteristic of their structures. “The apple never falls far from the tree” and so it is with souls because one only feels safe when they are in a familiar environment.

The size of a soul-world is proportional to the content of its soul. People who live in remote villages all their lives will reincarnate into those same villages because their souls only know those contents and nothing else; the structures of their LIVES are only in accordance with life in those villages. Structures have attractions, like attracts like, birds of a feather flock together, and similar structures attract each other.

Europeans rarely reincarnate as Chinese because the cultures there do not conform to their souls’ contents; they lack gravity to them or it is far less to them than that of their original culture. Anyone who lives in a strange place within an alien culture will feel out of place, lonely, and eager to go home. Going home is every soul’s wish, but where is home? The most familiar place is one’s home and home is one’s most familiar place. This is to say that souls have regional properties. Generally speaking, one will usually reincarnate into a place that is most familiar to them. We have never heard of a Tibetan living Buddha coming from Africa or Europe.

According to the above principle, souls should reincarnate into their own families and this would prove the regional property of souls, so why do some people reincarnate into places far away? This question involves their carriers of LIFE. Souls are spiritual entities which can only function when they become attached to physical bodies. When one dies but no carrier is available from within their immediate “comfort zone”, then they will have to find a carrier from within the smallest possible radius of that place; therefore, if one wants to find their late relative, then they should search within a radius of ten, then twenty, then fifty, and then within a hundred kilometers of their home to find a family that has been blessed with a new-born child soon after their relative’s passing. They can then check the birthmark of the child, or sense of the child by their hearts of whether the child is the reincarnation of their departed loved one. Of course, if their relative has gone to heaven or another space, then they might never be found.

Some people may not accept the concept of souls’ regional properties, though they can be verified thusly: everyone's dreams reflect the contents of their souls, then would the vast majority of Europeans dream of Asian or African people when they sleep? Of course they would not! Even if one lives in a foreign society now, the frequency of foreign people appearing in their dreams will be low, unless in the next lifetime will some fragments emerge in your dreams.

This can raise a great mystery of LIFE...where do we go in our afterlives.

Consider that if no relevant familiar images of heaven fill your consciousnesses, then how could you go there? The truth is that this would be impossible because the transformation of LIFE is subject to strict and meticulous management and the restraint of Tao which is a scientific system. If you hope to go to heaven but know nothing about it or are only minimally aware of it, then your soul would be totally unprepared to go there. If you know and understand the guide, then you could find him easily; if not, then it would be much more difficult; and if you have no concept of him at all, then you would not recognize him even if he were standing at your side.

The Thousand-year World is the easiest place to which people can advance, but you must understand it, so please study it. You must self-cultivate and self-refine according to the lifestyle of the celestials who live there. In this way, your consciousnesses will be focused there and you can go there directly after you pass on.

LIFE is like this; the more we know, the larger our scope of activities will be. What does not exist in our consciousness has no existence in our LIFE. Therefore, we need to make full use of our limited physical time to expand our LIFE spaces:

  1. Do not long for the ephemeral, passing mortal world, but for a better place

  2. Understand the place for which you yearn as much as possible

  3. Be reasonable and willing to advance.

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