New Understanding on the Life and Death of LIFE


April 3, 2011

The issues of life and death with regard to LIFE do not exist. The only issue is that of conversion. So-called “life and death” are only false appearances which have mistaken the existence and disappearance of the carriers of LIFE for those of LIFE itself. It is a misunderstanding of LIFE to say that it is born or dies.

Since people do not understand the whole truth of LIFE and its length, they define it mistakenly by way of their limited vision. “Moring bacteria have no idea of the first and last days of months; Cicadas are unaware of spring and fall”. Bacteria that emerge in the morning and die in the evening have no experience of what days are like; Cicadas that are born in spring and die in fall cannot understand the passage of seasons. Butterflies who fly and dance among flowers will never know the existence of winter. Humans cannot see the past or future, so humans always measure the length and depth of LIFE against the more transient life.

How do we react to morning bacteria saying that there are no dark nights? What do we think when Cicadas say that there is no spring or fall? How do we feel when people tell us that there are no previous or future lives? People often talk about life and death by saying that someone is born or has died. Actually what they refer to is only the birth, growth, and death of their flesh—the carriers of LIVES, not their LIFE. Therefore, it is necessary to redefine the life and death of LIFE.

A person’s downward conversion from the human world to a lower LIFE space is death.

A person’s horizontal transmigration back to the human world is half death.

A person’s upward conversion from the human world to a higher LIFE space is life.

More specifically, a person is dead if they transmigrate to the Plant World, the Animal World, hell, the Frozen layer, or the Inflamed layer; a person is half dead and half alive if they transmigrate back to the human world; a person gains life if they advance toward any of the three levels of heaven - the Thousand-Year World, the Ten Thousand-Year World, or the Celestial Islands Continent of the Elysium World.

It is up to everyone to choose for themselves whether they go to death, half death, or life. Hence, we can see that some people are marching downward, some are lost on the road, and some are proceeding to a more wonderful rebirth.

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