Selfishness Is the Cancer Cell in the Gene of LIFE


Dec. 09, 2021

Do you believe in the existence of heaven?

Ninety-nine percent of people either don't believe in the existence of heaven or doubt the existence of heaven. Why do you doubt or not believe in the existence of heaven?

Because there are cancer cells in your LIFE genes, these cancer cells are those of selfishness.

When a person is selfish, he will never believe in the existence of pure truth, pure beauty, and pure kindness, because his selfishness is like a barrier blocking his sight, just like it is difficult for a person who has not studied geography and doesn’t know about time differences to believe that when he is sleeping in the middle of the night, it is noon in some other places.

A selfish person can never feel and experience the pattern and realm of a selfless person, just like a person who has never been hungry cannot feel and experience the taste of hunger.

Heaven is the realm of selfless people. The reason why the kingdom of heaven is beautiful is that all people living in heaven are selfless. The territory created by the more selfish people is closer to hell, and the territory created by the more selfless people is closer to heaven.

In a social group, from two people to three people, four people, seven people, hundreds of or thousands of people, if you live among it, you will find that the makers of troubles, pain, anxiety, worry, and fear are all selfish people. The more one is selfish, the more falsehoods, evil and ugliness he will create.

When dealing with people, you will find that it is difficult to get along with some people. The deep root cause is that they are very selfish. The more selfish a person is, the harder it is to get along with him.

People cannot get along with each other due to differences in the Three Outlooks, greed, hatred, ignorance, incompetence, suspicion, protecting the interests of the nation and the country, different beliefs resulting in different opinions, to "be yourself", to sticking to their opinions, etc., disputes, arguments, battles, the origin of all the above is the selfishness of human nature. All false, evil, and ugly phenomena and incidents in society are caused by selfishness.

Are there completely selfless people in the world?

Of course, there are, there are a lot of them. Did Christ Jesus, Buddha Shakyamuni, and Immortal Lao Tzu have selfish motives? Not at all! In the past and present, did the missionaries who went to poor and backward places have selfish motives? No! Did those Western missionaries who went to China to establish schools and hospitals have selfish motives? No! Did Mother Teresa have selfish motives? No!

There is never a shortage of angels and bodhisattvas on earth. Who are the angels and bodhisattvas? Those who are totally selfless are angels and bodhisattvas. Any more questions about this?

When angels and bodhisattvas gather together, they can create heaven. When extremely selfish people get together, they can create hell.

Is there any basis for this?

There sure is! When Chanyuan celestials are together, they can create a picturesque and beautiful Xanadu, and can copy the scenes of heaven in the world. The Second Home created by Lifechanyuan is a solid proof of this.

Selfishness is one of the thirty-six Eight Diagrams Arrays (mazes). "Those who do not live for themselves will be punished by Tao" is a Maze. When born as a human, you have to be selfish, and when you come to the Saha world, you have to be selfish, so that people are tightly bound in the Maze of selfishness and can't escape the cycle through the six worlds, and you can't transcend the three realms. If you want to escape the Maze of selfishness, you must keep this in mind: if the immortals live only for themselves, they will be punished by Tao.

Regardless of whether it is Buddha, immortals, angels, Bodhisattva, or all beings in heaven, once they become selfish, they will be destroyed by Tao, and they will surely be laid down in the mortal world and fall into the cycle through the six worlds.

No matter who they are, emperors, beggars, professors, illiterates, workers, farmers, etc., as long as they are selfless, they will enter heaven. But, rich people, you will never be accepted by the kingdom of heaven, no matter how well you do charity, because rich people themselves are synonyms of selfishness. How can you become rich if you are not selfish? Whether you become rich by wisdom, by creation and invention, or by service, once there are poor people who oppose you, there will be no doubt about your selfish nature. After all, there are no poor people in heaven, and there are no rich people there either.

The most perfect character of LIFE is selflessness, selfishness is the cancer cell of the LIFE gene, the cancer cell that will devour the perfection of LIFE little by little, until it makes LIFE so ugly that it descends into hell.

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