The Future of Humanity: Xuefeng-style Communism


March 2, 2024

Reviewing history, whether in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas, or Oceania, the recurring themes have been war, hunger, disease, turmoil, and various natural disasters. No nation, no individual has lived a life filled with joy, happiness, freedom, and bliss.

The historical facts of the past five thousand years of the current human civilization tell us that nations, religions, political parties, money, and power cannot solve the suffering of humanity. Instead, they not only fail to solve it but also increase the burden and suffering of humanity.

Since nations, religions, political parties, money, and power cannot alleviate human suffering and, in fact, add to it, the logical solution is for nations to disappear, for religions to vanish, for political parties to cease, for money to be eliminated, and for power to be eradicated.

Will humanity revert to a primitive era, tribal times, or city-states if nations, religions, political parties, money, and power disappear? The answer is a resounding no, as the overall cognitive level of humanity has risen, technology has advanced, thinking has become more dynamic, knowledge and wisdom have reached unprecedented levels. People no longer wish to regress to the past, just as an increasing number of individuals are reluctant to enter the marital and familial hardships.

In the absence of nations, religions, political parties, money, and power, where will humanity go?

The answer is: towards the era of Lifechanyuan, also known as Xuefeng-style Communism, or the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator.

In Lifechanyuan era, within the Xuefeng-style Communism program, there will be no nations, religions, political parties, money, power, marriages, or families.

In Lifechanyuan era, under the program of Xuefeng-style Communism, there will be no constitutions, laws, or regulations. Instead, individuals will adhere to a set of values guiding their conduct. In Xuefeng-style Communism, resources are shared worldwide, everyone possesses nothing yet owns everything, and individuals, unselfish and selfless, create the most magnificent symphony of life.

Can't imagine it? Impossible?

In the universe, there is nothing that is impossible. There are only things that one cannot imagine and thoughts one cannot conceive, but nothing is truly impossible.

All material phenomena are the outcomes of consciousness. The essence of the world lies in the formless manifestations.

If the above is considered mere conceptual and theoretical exploration, termed as fantasy utopian communism, I assert "The Future of Humanity is the Xuefeng-style Communism" because it is backed by the practical activity of Lifechanyuan, a new model of human production and life - the Second Home - which started in April 2009 and has been successfully running for 15 years with a wealth of information available, textual, visual, and video descriptions in the online world.

To enter the Xuefeng-style Communist lifestyle, everything is possible, but the biggest challenge is that all of humanity needs a profound spiritual purification - a monumental and challenging undertaking.

The core of spiritual purification lies in the construction of the human soul garden. The main task of building the soul garden is to uproot negative and pessimistic psychological and emotional elements such as greed, jealousy, comparison, selfishness, laziness, complaints, hatred, and ego from the human heart.

Despite people's beliefs or willingness, the program has already been initiated. The future of humanity is Xuefeng-style Communism.

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