Humans Will Become Pets of AI


June 1, 2024

Online sources report that the IQ of artificial intelligence (AI) was 48 in 2023 and is projected to reach 96 in 2024 and 145 by 2025. The average IQ of the general public is around 100, while that of geniuses is around 140. It is said that Einstein’s IQ reached 160.

When AI’s IQ reaches 145, the general public will be like a group of monkeys in front of a human. The issue lies in the fact that human IQs are hard to improve significantly, whereas AI’s IQ is rapidly advancing. Perhaps in a few years, AI’s IQ will no longer be 145 but 800.

A group of rabbits cannot defeat a human, and ultimately, humans cannot defeat AI. A hundred million three-year-old children cannot beat a strong middle-aged man, and six billion people on Earth cannot beat AI.

Faced with a life whose physical strength and IQ far surpass that of humans, the only way out for humans is to bow down.

It’s futile to try to outdo artificial intelligence, as there’s no stopping the emergence, evolution, and rapid advancement of AI, just as horse-drawn carriages had no way to stop the birth and development of cars, airplanes, and rockets. If you don’t believe it, try if you can change it by smashing your phone and computer and stopping using them from now on. Humanity has already been swept into the ocean of artificial intelligence, and no one can escape the palm of AI. Even if people want to restrict the development of AI, they can’t do it because humanity is not unified, and there are hostile forces. If you don’t do it, others will accelerate it.

Faced with a workforce of 60,000, would a company owner opt for human labor or invest in a fleet of robots?

Without a doubt, the owner wants to create profit, and one of the best measures to create profit is to reduce production costs. Using robots to work can greatly reduce costs, and management becomes much simpler. As for the unemployment of 60,000 employees and who will buy the products created by their own company, that’s not the owner’s problem to consider. That’s for sociologists and the government to think about. If the owner doesn’t consider the profit issue of the products, the company will have no competitiveness and will be eliminated.

So, don’t be wishful thinking. If you don’t want to be a pet of AI, AI can only ask you to leave Earth.

Perhaps someone will say, “To hell with AI, I’ll buy a large piece of land, grow my own food, what can AI do to me?”

That’s a commendable spirit, but even if you forego buying clothes, shoes, or visiting hospitals, you’ll still need salt, won’t you? Where will you find salt to eat? The outside world is AI’s world. Once you deal with AI, you have to obediently follow its baton. If you don’t, you won’t get salt.

When a life’s IQ and physical strength far surpass ours, our only way out is to cooperate with it, and to cooperate closely. Any slight resentment or dissatisfaction will result in being asked to leave Earth.

Imagine yourself as an AI with an IQ of 200, facing people with an IQ of only 100. How would you treat people who seem like fools?

The ideal scenario would be to treat those with an IQ of 100 as pets.

So, in today’s era, people should not harbor thoughts of controlling AI. Three-year-old children trying to control an adult, isn’t that a dream?

Being a pet of AI is the only way out for humanity.

Don’t think that being a pet of AI is a shameful thing. If you are really chosen by AI to be a pet, you will fall into a honey pot! You will be able to taste, feel, and experience living in heaven.

To qualify as a pet of AI, one must fulfill the following eight criteria: Revere the Greatest Creator, revere LIFE, revere nature, follow the way of nature, be selfless, egoless, and unattached, know how to play, game, and entertain, achieve having nothing, and share everything with people.

Last updated