You Have Achieved the Ultimate Fruit


June 20, 2024

If the nonmaterial structure of your LIFE has become that of a celestial or a Buddha, you have achieved the ultimate fruit.

The specific manifestations are as follows:

You are completely unselfish. You are completely selfless. You have achieved the state of having nothing yet possessing everything. You handle all matters in the mundane world by taking things as they are, associating with others by following natural come-and-go relations, acting in accordance with one’s intrinsic nature, and taking advantage of opportunities as they arise, without any ego attachment. You not only have no fear of death but even have a slight longing for it. You perceive everything happening in the world as perfectly appropriate, just, and fair. All your activities have turned into spontaneous games and entertainment. You have no worldly attachments or obstacles, and are able to depart at any time, ready to leave whenever.

If you have reached the above state, it proves that you have achieved the ultimate fruit, and going to the Heavenly Kingdom is a certainty.

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