What is the Ultimate Goal of Cultivation and Practice?

Deiform Buddha

January 4, 2007

Confucianism practices the cultivation of humanity, Taoism focuses on cultivating celestial beings, Buddhism is dedicated to becoming Buddhas, and Christianity emphasizes love. So, what are we cultivating?

We are cultivating “reverence for the Greatest Creator, reverence for LIFE, reverence for nature, following the way of the Greatest Creator, and ultimately achieving the fruition of a Super Celestial Being.”

Where is the way?

When Qiankun Buddha opened Pandora’s Box and peeled back layer after layer, calculating every possibility, what was left in the end was “nature,” which is the Tathagata.

More and more practitioners are discovering that the Greatest Creator is “love.” As long as there is “love” in one’s heart, one has merged with the Greatest Creator.

We often speak of “seeking the Tao.” The purpose of cultivation and practice is to enter the Tao, attain the Tao, and become a celestial being.

In the end, the essence of cultivation and practice boils down to three words: nature, love, Tao.

Nature, love, and Tao are seamlessly integrated with no essential difference. Or rather, nature is love, love is Tao, and Tao is nature.

Any method, sect, or individual that revolves around “nature, love, Tao” in their practice is correct.

The question is, how to practice? With countless methods available, where are the shortcuts?

The method of Lifechanyuan is: enhancing understanding, transforming thinking, perfecting consciousness, and perfecting the nonmaterial structure of LIFE.

Enhancing understanding means fully grasping the connotations and extensions of “nature, love, Tao.” Without correct understanding, everything else is mere talk and aimless confusion.

Transforming thinking means thoroughly correcting the erroneous worldviews, life views, LIFE views, and values accumulated over thousands of years, organizing chaotic thoughts into a structured program, and focusing energy on the way of the Greatest Creator.

Perfecting consciousness means cleansing the impurities of the soul, purifying our consciousness, and unifying consciousness with “nature, love, Tao.”

Perfecting the nonmaterial structure of LIFE means continuously elevating LIFE, removing animalistic genes, demonic and devilish genes, and humanistic genes from the LIFE structure, aligning the nature of LIFE with that of celestial qualities, and ultimately becoming a celestial being and ascending to higher realms of existence — the Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World, and the Celestial Islands Continent of the Elysium World.

We already know that the purpose of creating the universe is for LIFE, and the purpose of creating LIFE is to play and enjoy. Without LIFE, what is the use of the universe? If not for joy and play, why have LIFE?

All human activities, such as working, farming, raising sheep and flowers, running businesses, and so on, ultimately serve what purpose? Making money? And why make money? For survival? And what is the purpose of survival? For the next life? And what is the meaning of the next life? For love? For obtaining a PhD? For bringing honor to one’s ancestors? For leaving a lasting legacy? For human peace? What are these purposes ultimately for? When traced back to the root, we find that the ultimate goal of all human activities is to attain happiness and joy.

Now we understand that the core of “nature, love, Tao” is the enjoyment of LIFE. This is the way of the Greatest Creator.

With direction and goals, everything else becomes simple.

That is why I have always worked to create an atmosphere of joy and playfulness in Lifechanyuan, aiming for the perfect structure of LIFE and the ultimate goal of LIFE.

To make life joyful and to sustain, enhance, and extend this characteristic is the ultimate goal.

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