The Highest Realm of Cultivation


Nov. 25, 2023

The following story, I have forgotten its source, perhaps, it was told by my English "Bible" teacher more than twenty years ago, or maybe I read it in the American "Reader's Digest".

An elegant lady was walking on the street when suddenly she was knocked down by a man riding a bicycle. The man quickly helped her up, repeatedly saying "I'm sorry," while the woman, shaking off the dust from her body, calmly said, "I'm sorry, it was me who blocked your way."

When someone is knocked down from behind, they would typically either sternly reprimand the man or demand hefty compensation for the mental and physical injuries. But this woman not only did not get angry, blame, or demand anything, she calmly said, "I'm sorry, it was me who blocked your way." Her words implied that the man was right, and the one who was knocked down was wrong. What kind of realm is this?

I believe this is the highest realm of cultivation, and cultivators should take this lady as a role model.

Over thirty years ago, on a road in Yuzhong County, Lanzhou City, where there were very few vehicles, I suddenly heard the emergency braking sound of a truck from behind. Turning around, I saw the truck driver sticking his head out of the window and shouting loudly at a man riding a bicycle, "Are you looking to die? Damn it!"

This driver was full of anger, and if the bicycle had blocked his way, a simple honk would have sufficed as a warning; there was no need for such cursing! This behavior is definitely not characteristic of a cultivator.

Cultivators adhere to certain ethical standards: they refrain from scolding, hitting, hurting, annoying, harming, or provoking others. They communicate kindly and behave appropriately. If they can acknowledge their own mistakes and give credit to others, then they are cultivators with a certain level of spiritual maturity and mental breadth. If they are willing to sacrifice their own honor, dignity, property, status, or even their lives to protect the honor, dignity, property, status, or lives of others, then they have reached the highest realm of cultivation.

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