Summary of Reincarnation

Deiform Buddha

September 1, 2006

Without external forces, a moving object would continue in a straight line at a constant speed along its initial direction forever. However, this is merely theoretical. In reality, no object is free from external forces; all objects are subjected to varying degrees of external forces that influence and constrain their movement. Once the magnitude and direction of these external forces are determined, the object's motion forms a fixed trajectory, which represents its destiny.

Before one's spiritual perception is awakened, one's destiny follows a fixed trajectory, similar to how an astronomer can accurately predict a planet's orbit. A wise "fortune-teller" can predict a person's future life path with high accuracy.

Once spiritual perception is awakened, destiny is entirely in one's own hands. Even the greatest "fortune-teller" cannot predict the course of a person's life, as those with awakened spiritual perception can change at any moment and transform in myriad ways. Our practice and cultivation are about awakening this spiritual perception; enlightenment is essentially the activation of one's own spiritual perception.

How will life reincarnate? Here is a summary standard and guidance for practitioners to refer to:

• People with the greatest love will become Super Celestial Beings

• People with the utmost benevolence will become Buddhas

• People with the greatest happiness will become Deity Celestial Beings

• People with the greatest health will become Land Celestial Beings

• People with the greatest kindness will become Human Celestial Beings

• People with the greatest loyalty will ascend to nobility

• People who are filial to their parents will return with great blessings

• People with impartial minds will return to the Human World

• People who have built up their virtues will be wealthy

• People with muddle-headed, confused minds will fall to the Animal World

• People with indifference will be reincarnated to the Plant World

• People with wicked intentions will sink into the Ghost World

• People who have lorded over and bullied others will degrade to the frozen layer

• People who were intentionally evil will fall into the inflamed layer

Please verify these standards with those who have awakened spiritual perception.

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