Seeing the World with Closed Eyes — Advanced Cultivation Three

Deiform Buddha

December 4, 2006

Conventional thinking has bound us for too long, leading us to believe that we see nothing when we close our eyes. In reality, closing our eyes allows us to see even more, and more vividly.

When we dream, our eyes are closed, but we still see everything in the dream.

As people approach death, their life departs from the physical body. Although their physical eyes are closed, they can still see everything clearly.

Material eyes can only see everything in the material world, while closing our eyes allows us to see the nonmaterial world.

Those who have seen three-dimensional and four-dimensional images know that when we truly perceive the four-dimensional scenes hidden behind the three-dimensional world, everything becomes clearer and more three-dimensional. It’s like observing through a space telescope that is free from the blurriness caused by dust, allowing us to see everything around us with clarity.

Seeing the world with closed eyes is no longer a mystery; I believe many people have experienced it to some extent.

Seeing the world with closed eyes often happens when consciousness is slightly blurred, in a state between sleep and wakefulness. The first time I saw the nonmaterial world was after practicing and lying in bed with my eyes closed and my head covered with a sheet. The scene was so beautiful and clear that it was breathtakingly beautiful.

Readers of my “Unconventional Thinking” know that what conventional thinking considers impossible can become possible with unconventional thinking. There is nothing truly impossible; only things beyond our current mental capacity.

Conventional thinking believes that humans cannot fly due to Earth's gravity. However, those who have flown in dreams know that flying is very easy. In dreams, we might see many people standing on the ground who cannot fly, while we fly above them, sometimes over treetops, sometimes over mountain peaks, sometimes above clouds. Flying is so pleasant and delightful, even more so than walking on the ground.

Do not set up a chasm between the front and the back. Do not think that life is only real in the material world. Life in the nonmaterial world is actually more real and reliable. The discussions in Lifechanyuan began with the Möbius strip. Those who understand the Möbius strip principle should know that the universe is holographic, with no distinct boundaries. The Buddha's repeated emphasis on concepts like "not Dharma, not non-Dharma" and "this is called the world, non the world, not non-world," etc., are forms of holographic understanding.

I cannot tell you how to see the world with closed eyes. This is something you need to explore, accumulate perception, and find the trick yourself. However, a few points can help: first is tranquility, second is not letting thoughts become chaotic, third is maintaining childlike wonder, and fourth is awareness of transformation.

May everyone be able to see the world with closed eyes. Once you achieve this, your worldview, values, and perspective on life will undergo a profound change, and your true LIFE will begin.

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