Resurrection in Love

Tao One

May 14, 2006

To die and then come back to life is called resurrection.

Everything is moving towards death; this is a program, a law.

But every law has exceptions, and that too is a program and a law.

Life is like a “software program” with self-repair functions and ongoing repair capabilities.

To repair aging and damage, new energy needs to be injected, and it must be spiritual energy.

Just a call is enough to awaken someone deeply asleep and traveling in dreams.

Just by calling with love, a person in a vegetative state can awaken.

Love is the most immense energy for healing life; it can awaken the “sleeping” person.

When someone dreaming is awakened, his consciousness returns from the dream to reality—this is resurrection.

When someone traveling in the human realm is awakened by “people,” his consciousness returns to heaven—the Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World, the Elysium World—this is resurrection.

I am here to resurrect you, and the method I use is love.

Please accept my love, feel my love, and resonate with it spiritually. As you align with my love, you will gradually awaken, and your consciousness will return to heaven. Once you are fully awakened, you will have returned to heaven.

I am here to find those who have descended from heaven to the human world throughout history, not to teach people.

This is my mission—to use love to resurrect those celestial beings who have descended from the heavenly realm to the human world but whose consciousness remains asleep.

Those who are lightly asleep will respond immediately to the love I emit, with “love at first sight and eternal fidelity.” Those who are deeply asleep need my constant calling, and those who are profoundly asleep need me to shake them.

Those who are not the ones I seek are indifferent to the love I emit; it is because their souls are out of sync. They have never experienced life in heaven, so their consciousness lacks this information. Hence, I cannot awaken them, and there is no question of awakening or resurrection.

The higher the level of life, the more perfect the life structure. Their structure is mainly composed of love. Therefore, to resurrect them, only love can be used. By inputting powerful energy of love, their original life structure can be resurrected.

This is one of the aspects of advanced cultivation. Please resurrect in love and let me bring you back to heaven.

This is not your home; your home is in heaven, which is made of love.

Dear ones, wake up!

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