How to Transform from Human to Super Celestial Being


April 4, 2021

To transform from one state of life to another, the nonmaterial structure of life needs to undergo a complete change, which is a metamorphosis. How does this change occur?

Let’s first look at the transformation process of a caterpillar to a chrysalis to a butterfly.

For a caterpillar to become a butterfly, it must go through the chrysalis stage. What’s inside a chrysalis? I once opened one and found it was full of white paste, with nothing else visible. Unlike an egg that has egg white and yolk, the chrysalis is filled with this white paste, which after some time, transforms into a butterfly.

The transformation of life from the human state to a Super Celestial Being is very much like the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly. A creature living in a two-dimensional world suddenly becomes a being living in a four-dimensional world, crawling on the ground to flying in the sky, proving that life can transcend dimensions.

Incredibly, the white paste transforms into a beautiful butterfly. This evolution of life is unbelievable, but such unbelievable things have happened. The fundamental reason is that the Super Celestial Beings have set up a program for life’s metamorphosis, and everything operates according to this program.

Can humans become Super Celestial Being? Ask a caterpillar, “Can you become a butterfly?” Humans are caterpillars, and Super Celestial Beings are butterflies. Super Celestial Beings have also set up a program within the human body. If we operate according to this program, humans can transform into various states of life. If we operate according to the program of a horse, we can become a horse. If we operate according to the program of a dog or a pig, we can become a dog or a pig. If we operate according to the program of a Super Celestial Being, we can become a Super Celestial Being. Of course, if we operate according to the program of a devil, we can become a devil.

The core question now is, how can humans operate according to the program of Super Celestial Beings? The answer is to live in alignment with the consciousness of Super Celestial Beings.

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