How to Transcend the Mundane


May 12, 2013

To transcend the mundane is to become a celestial being.

So, how can one transcend the mundane?

Firstly, we must understand what is considered mundane and what is considered ordinary.

Fame, profit, power, success and failure, cunning, clichés, pleasantries, groveling, flattery, and servility are considered mundane.

Human emotions, connections, affairs, and the secular world are considered ordinary.

If the heart does not yearn for money, power, fame, or profit, if the mouth does not speak of money or power, if one does not flaunt or display their wealth, power, fame, or glorious history, if one interacts without deceit or pretense, if actions do not fall into clichés, if one does not care about success or failure, and does not grovel or flatter, then one is said to have transcended the mundane.

If one speaks not of human emotions but only of celestial emotions, if one’s actions are not for human affairs but for celestial affairs, if one has escaped the entanglements of human connections and formed celestial connections, if one’s heart is not in the secular world but in the realm of celestials, then one has transcended the ordinary.

Pulling out the weeds from the soul garden can also lead to transcendence. Living in the Second Home for a long time can also lead to transcendence.

The mundane is like a well, and to transcend the mundane is like climbing out of the bottom of the well, thus freeing oneself from the burdens of material possessions, emotions, people, and the secular world, and reaching the realm of celestial directly.

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