Eight Features of The Greatest Creator


1.The Greatest Creator is Unique and Exclusive.

The unity of opposites is a powerful tool for understanding the universe. All things in the world exist relatively, and losing one side also means losing the condition for the existence of the other: Yin and Yang, positive and negative, interior and exterior, man and woman, male and female, masculine and feminine, rigidity and softness, glory and humiliation, clockwise and counterclockwise, with and without, tangible and intangible, birth and death, light and darkness, movement and stillness, strength and weakness, high and low, noble and humble, rich and poor, fortune and misfortune, merit and fault, gain and loss, advance and retreat, positive and negative, big and small, up and down, more and less, front and rear, left and right, truth and falsehood, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, fragrance and odor, immortal and mortal, Buddha and demon, god and ghost, material and spirit, heaven and hell, fairyland and the mortal world, and so on. They all rely on each other, coexist and prosper together. Even a piece of thin paper has a front and a back. If there is no front, there will be no back. If there is no back, there will be no front.  

However, the unity of opposites view cannot explain all phenomena, and there are exceptions to the law. In universality, there are peculiarities, and in commonality, there are individualities. There is also a neutral gender in addition to male and female. The golden mean, which is unbiased and impartial, is to seek the middle point between two extremes. The turning point for quantitative change or qualitative change is not unity of opposites but uniqueness.

"Wuji generates Taiji, Taiji generates the "bipolarity". "Wuji" refers to the state when there was no substance in the Universe and only energy existed. The intangible and invisible energy, when moving irregularly, formed an "energy cluster" or Taiji (to understand how Taiji is formed, you can try drinking all the milk in a flat-bottomed glass and leave the glass uncleaned for 12 hours, then observe the shape and structure of the glass bottom). The first unconscious movement of Taiji has triggered the orderly movement of the entire energy, and with it, the time and space in the human sense appeared. This is how the "bipolarity" is generated, which is actually the phenomenon of material and nonmaterial (tangible and intangible) following the principle of unity of opposites.  

The formation of the "bipolarity" can be understood as follows: the greater the energy, the less visible it is; the smaller the energy, the more visible it is. This is the key to the birth and formation of the universe. Lao Tzu's understanding of "the great form has no contour" refers to the energy cluster before the birth of the "bipolarity," which is the "Taiji."

Mao Zedong Thought is a kind of energy cluster that influences many people's lives and affects many people's words and deeds, but who can explain clearly what color and shape it is?

I am discussing "Taiji" here, with the purpose of understanding it. "Taiji" originates from "Wuji," and is born from the chaotic movement and collision of formless and shapeless energy (You can observe the disorderly movement of the molecules via a microscope. The original energy movement is just like the molecular movement). After the formation of Taiji energy cluster, orderly movement begins in the energy world, and visible matter appears in areas with less energy, while invisible nonmaterial gradually forms in areas with more energy (just like a person, the physical body corresponds to areas with less energy, and the mind and soul correspond to areas with more energy). Thus, "Taiji" gave birth to "bipolarity," which is tangible matter and intangible nonmaterial, and from this emerged positive and negative, yin and yang, light and darkness, truth and falsehood, good and evil, and so on, and the universe and all phenomena came into being from "Taiji" and "bipolarity."

In the Bible, the heavenly father and in the Quran, Allah is undoubtedly the creator of the universe, which is what the Chinese Taoist understanding of "Taiji" refers to, though under different names, they are essentially the same.

This means that "Taiji" is the Greatest Creator, and the Greatest Creator is "Taiji."

"Wuji" produced Taiji, which then generated "bipolarity," and everything in the universe comes from this "bipolarity." The two sides of bipolarity are the unity of opposites. Though it comes from Taiji, the latter is unique and exclusive, but not unity of opposites. Therefore, the Greatest Creator is unique and has no opposite.

2.The Greatest Creator is Amorphous

The Greatest Creator is "Taiji," a conscious energy cluster that can take on any form since energy is formless. When energy enters the human body, it becomes a person; when energy enters flowers and plants, it becomes branches, leaves, and flowers; when energy enters a river, it becomes liquid; when energy enters a rock, it becomes solid; when energy enters the atmosphere, it becomes gas.

According to Einstein's equation, E = mc², the formula for the formation of matter is m = E/c², where c is the speed of light, a constant, and E is energy, a variable. This means that energy is the only factor that forms matter. Without energy, there is no matter, no sun, moon, stars, mountains, rocks, rivers, flowers, trees, insects, fish, birds, or beasts, and likewise, there would be no humans.

When matter disappears, it is transformed back into energy, because the total energy of the universe is a constant that does not increase or decrease. Does the burning of a tree, an animal, a building, or a tank of liquefied gas mean that nothing exists anymore? No! They are all transformed back into energy.

A seed, a fertilized egg, can grow and take shape by using energy. Without energy, everything is nothing.

This is the basic principle of the birth of the universe.

If we say that the Greatest Creator has a fixed form, it is completely wrong. The Greatest Creator has no fixed form because he is an energy cluster, but he can take any form, in other words, the entire world is the Greatest Creator.

3.The Greatest Creator is Neutral

The Greatest Creator is unique and exclusive, the Greatest Creator is neutral.

Humans are divided into man and woman, animals are divided into male and female, and plants are divided into stamen and pistil. Then what about the Greatest Creator?

We absolutely cannot say that the Greatest Creator is man or woman, or male and female, or stamen and pistil. If we say that the Greatest Creator is male, there must be a female Greatest Creator that corresponds to the Greatest Creator, which destroys the uniqueness of the Greatest Creator.

Using the two poles of the unity of the opposition cannot help us understand the Greatest Creator. That is to say, we cannot say that the Greatest Creator is true or false, good or evil, beautiful or ugly, because if we say that the Greatest Creator is good, there must be an evil Greatest Creator that corresponds to the good one, which also destroys the uniqueness.

Things have their own nature, animals have their own animal nature, humans have their own human nature, Buddhas have their own Buddha nature, and gods have their own divinity. So what kind of nature does the Greatest Creator belong to?

The Greatest Creator does not have a nature, which means that the Greatest Creator does not have physicality, animality, humanity, Buddhahood, or godhood. Defining the Greatest Creator in any life realm is incorrect.

Saying that someone has animality is certainly demeaning them; saying that a Buddha has humanity is certainly demeaning the Buddha; saying that a god has Buddhahood is certainly demeaning the god; saying that the Greatest Creator has physicality, animality, humanity, Buddhahood, or godhood is definitely demeaning the Greatest Creator.

Therefore, the Greatest Creator does not have a nature, or it can be said that the Greatest Creator is neutral.

Here, I have to talk about the “Hare Krishna movement” here because it is related to the Greatest Creator.

Krishna and Krishna consciousness come from the ancient wisdom scriptures of India and have been inherited by some spiritual masters. The most outstanding leader of the Hare Krishna movement is Saint Prabhupada. This movement has many brilliant insights and focuses on the spiritual aspect of human beings rather than the material and physical aspect. Many of the things advocated by this movement are valuable and worth learning from.

However, we must be clear about who Krishna is. According to many of Prabhupada's teachings, we know that Krishna is the Supreme God of the universe, which is acceptable. But he also says that Krishna is the only one and the "source of all sources". Who can be the only one? Who can be the "source of all sources"? Only the Greatest Creator is the only one and the source of all sources. This clearly indicates that Krishna is the Greatest Creator.

So, is Krishna the real Greatest Creator? 

In the "Definition of God" in the teachings of the Krishna perception movement, Saint Pabupada said: "... When Krishna appeared on this earth, he had 16,108 wives, each of whom lived in a palace made of marble and decorated with jewels. The rooms were filled with furniture made of ivory and gold, and everywhere was magnificent..."

Is this the Greatest Creator?  

No, it is not! 

The Greatest Creator is neutral, neither male nor female. How could the Greatest Creator have 16,108 wives? Why not say that Krishna has 16,108 husbands? This is clearly a reflection of the idea of male superiority and female inferiority. Moreover, why does the Greatest Creator have so many wives? What does "licentious and unrighteous" mean? Creating so many wives for the Greatest Creator with human thinking and physical desire, is it to praise or to blaspheme the Greatest Creator?

Krishna's 16,108 wives "live in palaces built of marble, studded with jewels, with rooms furnished with ivory and gold." This is simply the imposition of the will of ordinary people on the Greatest Creator. Marble, jewels, ivory, and gold are precious in the eyes of ordinary people. Does the Greatest Creator really like these things so much?

In short, Krishna is not the Greatest Creator!

The consciousness of Krishna is to love gods and achieve harmony and unity between spirituality and divinity. However, since Krishna is not the Greatest Creator but labeled as the Greatest Creator, Krishna consciousness is a dangerous consciousness that requires caution.

4.The Greatest Creator is Mysterious

The Greatest Creator manages the universe with its spirit, which is the Dao that Laozi talked about in the Tao Te Ching. This spirit can also be understood as the consciousness and thinking of the Greatest Creator.

Just as humans rely on blood to maintain vitality, the universe relies on the spirit (consciousness and thinking) of the Greatest Creator to maintain its vitality. Therefore, the spirit of the Greatest Creator is actually the "blood" of the universe, its life force.

All movements of humans, including speaking, eating, sleeping, learning, working, and engaging in love affairs, are based on physiological instincts and human consciousness. Similarly, all movements of the universe, including the motion of celestial bodies, the maintenance of order in galaxies, and the cycle of life and death of all things in nature, are based on the laws of material motion and the consciousness of the Greatest Creator, which is HIS spirit.

The Greatest Creator does not show HIMSELF to humans, but rather shows HIS spirit. The Greatest Creator has never directly interacted with humans or given any individual special revelations. The spirit of the Greatest Creator is present in every space and movement of matter in the universe, and it is also present in every one of us. It can be said that the Greatest Creator is with the universe, with all things, and with humans.

Although the Greatest Creator is with us, we cannot see HIM. Why? Because the Greatest Creator has a feature, which is HIS mysteriousness.

What does this mean? It means that the spirit of the Greatest Creator (consciousness, thinking, laws, Dao, "blood," and life force) is an invisible, intangible, incomprehensible, indescribable, and indiscernible nonmaterial and dark energy. This nonmaterial and dark energy works imperceptibly and unconsciously, without any obvious image or sign. Although it seems non-existent, it is a kind of elusive objective reality, which is omnipresent, ever-present, meticulous, and precise.

For example, the aging and death of the human body, why does the human body have to age and die? What causes the aging and death of the human body? Whether scientists or biologists, politicians or religious leaders, they cannot fully explain the real reason, why? Because of the characteristics of the Greatest Creator: mysterious.

In the "Primary Physical and Spiritual Healthcare" section of the "Lifechanyuan," I mentioned that the causes of human aging and death, in order of their destructive power, are: mental activities caused by seven emotions and six desires, diet, daily life, labor, wind, frost, cold and heat, air quality, noise, cosmic forces (geomagnetism, gravity, radiation, various rays, and waves, etc.).

Every time you get angry, every time you get excited, every emotional change, every moment of sorrow, every puff of a cigarette, every sip of alcohol, every inappropriate diet, every staying up late or insomnia, every excessive fatigue, every cold wave or heat wave, storm or frost, every breath of polluted air, every unpleasant sound heard, every activity of sunspots, every volcanic eruption and earthquake, every nuclear leakage or bomb explosion, every sandstorm that covers the sky, and so on, all contribute to the aging and death of the human body.

Most people will agree with my explanation, but through what channels and mechanisms do these factors change the structure of human growth? Most people don't understand it, why? Because of the characteristics of the Greatest Creator: mysterious.

The Greatest Creator is mysterious, the Greatest Creator only shows results, not processes.

Why? Because once everyone understands the process of how things operate, everyone will become a god, and even want to compete with the Greatest Creator. This is a bit like the meetings held by the Central Political Bureau, where ministers, governors, and ordinary people are only informed about the results of the meeting and what they should know according to their level, not the process of the meeting. If the common people were aware of the Political Bureau meeting process, the world would have descended into chaos long ago."

So, is the Greatest Creator too selfish and stingy?

No, absolutely not! The Greatest Creator does not allow us to know everything, and this is precisely the embodiment of the Greatest Creator's mercy. Imagine if someone were to immediately tell the parents and relatives of a newborn child how the child will grow and eventually drown at the age of 15 while swimming in a river. What consequences would this have?

Of course, the Greatest Creator does not prevent people from understanding the process of how things operate and change. In fact, the Greatest Creator shows all the mysteries without reservation to human beings. Some people can understand a little, while others do not understand at all. The key depends on each person's spirituality and wisdom. The purer the spirituality and the higher the wisdom, the more one can see and understand, whereas confusion and ignorance increase with a mixed spirituality and lower wisdom.  

For example, when an apple falls to the ground, this phenomenon is impartially demonstrated to everyone by nature. But how many people can understand what law or principle this phenomenon indicates? Only Newton saw the law of universal gravitation from it. Many people have ridden elevators, but how many people have deeply pondered what would happen if the elevator (without cable restraint) continuously increased the required energy? The elevator would continue to accelerate, and as a result, its mass would increase. To make the elevator eventually exceed the speed of light, infinite energy would be required, which is impossible (from a material perspective, without involving nonmaterial). Therefore, Einstein derived the famous equation E=mc², the mass-energy equivalence, which destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We have all experienced warmth by the fire or seen objects burn red hot or have had the experience of a hot stove heating our face while cooking in the kitchen. But how many people realized the theory of quantum mechanics from it? Only Max Planck realized it. Most people have sat under a big tree, but only Sakyamuni sat under a big tree and explored the 36-dimensional spaces with his consciousness and knew the Buddha Land and path to Buddhahood.

The Greatest Creator treats all members of humanity equally, regardless of whether you are white, black, or yellow; whether you are a king, an expert, or an ordinary person; whether you are rich, middle-class, or poor; whether you are a Muslim, a Buddhist, or a Christian. The Greatest Creator gives everyone the same opportunities and rights. " Open the windows, the sunlight and fresh air will come in. Take a broad view, you will see the faraway mountains fresh and green." Regardless of who you are, as long as you open the window of your soul and focus your vision on a more distant future, you can see the brilliance of the Greatest Creator from any natural phenomenon around you, and you will gain the "supreme, great awakening wisdom."

5.The Greatest Creator is Impartial

The Greatest Creator is unique and exclusive, amorphous and neutral; therefore, the Greatest Creator is impartial.

If a court is controlled by good people, bad people will suffer; if it is controlled by bad people, good people will suffer; if it is controlled by the proletariat, the bourgeoisie will suffer; if it is controlled by the bourgeoisie, the proletariat will suffer; if it is controlled by gods, the devil will be constrained; if it is controlled by the devil, gods will be suppressed.

Only neutrality, without bias, is the most just.

The sun shines on the earth without favoring certain individuals, but equally shines on everyone. The air is full of the earth, and "good people" and "bad people" can breathe freely. There is sufficient water on earth, allowing you, me, and everyone to obtain water, which is crucial for life, at the lowest possible cost. This is how fair and just it is!

If the Greatest Creator is not impartial and did not arrange for the sun, air, and water resources this way, some people would surely monopolize them, just as they do with land and mines. Would we have a way out then?

Another aspect of the Greatest Creator’s impartiality is that everyone, regardless of who they are, must die. If those in power never died and could live forever, would there be any hope for the poor?

Therefore, any idea or action that seeks to extend the lifespan of some individuals and allow them to live forever goes against the impartiality of the Greatest Creator and is doomed to fail.

Humans try to eliminate diseases, such as cholera, typhoid, smallpox, plague, cancer, etc., which is simply messing around, doing bad things with good intentions, and making trouble for the Greatest Creator. If you eliminate one disease, the Greatest Creator has to create another. AIDS, SARS, and other special airborne diseases - let's see who is more capable, humans or the Greatest Creator!

Because otherwise, the earth can no longer bear it. Imagine if diseases did not eliminate some people, and everyone who had ever lived on earth was still alive today. Would there be enough space for us to live? It's like a beautiful park, those who enter must eventually leave so that newcomers can also come in and enjoy the park. If you don't want to leave once you've entered, and everyone thinks that way, can the park accommodate everyone? Is it fair to those who come later?

Some people always hope that "good" people will get more than "evil" people and hope that the Greatest Creator will send all "evil" people to hell. If this does not happen, they believe that the Greatest Creator is unjust.

This naive idea is purely emotional. Few people think of themselves as evil or unkind. In fact, as long as you are human, you are evil. Killing animals and eating their meat, isn't that evil? When you slaughter animals, you are indifferent to their helpless screams, helpless protests, fear of separation from their loved ones, and you use a sharp knife to insert it into their chest or cut their throat. To animals, you are definitely not a kind person.  

Eating meat is no different from participating in slaughter. Eating meat itself is an unkind behavior. Why do Buddhists not eat meat? It is to reduce the chance of committing sins to enter a higher level of life after death.

Those who eat meat are not kind. Perhaps some people think that the pig was raised by themselves, so it is reasonable to slaughter and eat its meat. Really? Can you arbitrarily kill your own children because you raised them? Does this reasoning make sense?  

Note: I am discussing issues such as eating meat from the perspective of equality of LIFE and becoming a Buddha. I am not against eating meat. I also eat meat, which means that I am not a kind person either.

Not eating meat is a kind behavior, and we advocate vegetarianism.  

However, if everyone refuses to eat meat and everyone becomes a Buddha, it violates the cycle of LIFE. Humans exist on earth for a purpose, and humans are a link in the chain of life. Without this link, many living spaces will have no successors and will eventually tend to end. Hell will no longer exist, and heaven will lose its value of existence. If there are no people in the world, the fairy world will also disappear. If everyone were to follow the practices of Buddhists – refraining from eating meat, avoiding marriage, and abstaining from reproduction – humanity would face the risk of dying out. This is not the Greatest Creator’s arrangement for LIFE.  

By the way, believing in Buddhism is definitely correct and has a bright future, but is it correct not to get married and have children? Is it contrary to the Greatest Creator’s purpose?

In the history of Buddhism, whenever Buddhism flourishes, there is always a destructive blow that follows. Why? For thousands of years, Buddhism has only been able to maintain its survival, but not spread globally. The main reason is not that Buddhist principles is not understandable, but that the method of cultivation is problematic.

Here, we have to talk about Falun Gong. As a method of Buddhist cultivation, Falun Gong itself is not wrong. There are 84,000 methods of cultivation, and Falun Gong is one of them. It is commendable that ordinary people like the method of Falun Gong as a way of Buddhist cultivation. This shows that the Chinese people are actively pursuing goodness and progress. Li Hongzhi's ability to stimulate the public's enthusiasm for Buddhism is immeasurable, and he and Zhang Hongbao can both be regarded as spiritual masters.

The problem is that when the method of cultivation is confused with Buddhist teachings and Falun Gong is elevated to the status of "Dafa," it violates Buddhist teachings. What is Buddhist teaching? Shakyamuni said in the Diamond Sutra: "What is called the Buddha-dharma is not the Buddha-dharma." He also said: "The Tathagata says that all Dharmas are Buddha's Dharmas." "If someone says that the Tathagata has expounded Dharmas, he is slandering the Buddha because he cannot understand my teaching." He also said: "Do not abide our minds to Dharmas but to actually abide nowhere." This clearly teaches us that to understand Buddhist teachings, we must first give up the Dharma. We cannot be attached to Dharma. The Dharma of no Dharma is the Buddhist teaching, and the Dharma with a Dharma is not the Buddhist teaching. Falun Gong is correct, but "Dafa" is wrong because it clings to the Dharma, and the Dharma is no longer the true Buddhist teaching.

What is Dharma? The Dharma is the order or objective rules by which the Greatest Creator manages the universe and the effective operation of LIFE. The formulas in physics, the molecular formulas in chemistry, the equations in mathematics, the structural formulas in biology, and the causal formulas in life science are all Dharma (laws). All Dharma are Buddhist teachings, and all Dharma are designed and created by the Greatest Creator.

Master Li Hongzhi said in his lecture at the Western US Law Conference in Los Angeles on February 15, 2003: "Have I explained it clearly in human terms? The Dharma was created by me."

"All prehistoric life was created by the Dharma, and no one is an exception, and everyone is among them." "Innumerable and countless great domes, innumerable and countless celestial spaces, each space has countless lives, all of which are created by this Dharma, and no life can comment on the Dharma"

This is a bit too far-fetched. The Dharma itself was created by the Greatest Creator, and now Master Li says that he created the Dharma. Does that mean Li Hongzhi is the Greatest Creator? Is the Greatest Creator Li Hongzhi?

There is only one Greatest Creator in the universe. Either it is the Greatest Creator or Li Hongzhi, one of them must be.

If Li Hongzhi is the Greatest Creator, does he possess the eight features of being unique and exclusive, amorphous, neutral, mysterious, impartial, merciful, supremely powerful, and intelligent?

Humans cannot defeat the Greatest Creator. If Li Hongzhi is the Greatest Creator, can "Falun Gong" suffer such a calamity? If even the land where they live cannot sustain them, how can he see himself as the Greatest Creator?

The Greatest Creator is amorphous and manages the entire universe. It is impossible for him to come to Earth as a human and struggle for survival. Li Hongzhi was born in this world and has a clear historical record spanning several decades. Can he be the Greatest Creator?

The Greatest Creator has never had a direct conversation with humans, but how many words has Li Hongzhi spoken to humans?

The Greatest Creator is mysterious and unfathomable, but everything about Li Hongzhi is clear and transparent. Can he be the Greatest Creator?

The Greatest Creator knows everything, but does Li Hongzhi know everything? It's doubtful, especially considering his inability to answer questions posed by scientists. Even basic questions from high school physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, and other fields may be beyond his knowledge. Therefore, can he be the Greatest Creator?

Li Hongzhi is a spiritual master with unique insights into the universe and LIFE. However, if he goes beyond a certain range, there will inevitably be a backlash. 

There are many hidden talents and reclusive masters among humans. Some people live in seclusion, appear to be ordinary citizens, but possess extraordinary talents and ambition; some people are silent and seemingly foolish, but in reality, have exceptional wisdom and insight; some people appear to be mediocre and ignorant, but have a deep understanding of the laws of the universe and the true meaning of life. They are like the "Dao," hidden and not revealed, but will help turn the tide and support the collapsing building in critical times.

In short, the Greatest Creator is fair and just, and the prosperity or decline of every individual, organization, and nation is determined by the balance of the Greatest Creator. Only by abandoning one's ego can one perceive the impartiality of the Greatest Creator. If one sees oneself as the center of everything and judges the Greatest Creator based on one's own likes, dislikes, successes, and failures, they will not be able to see the justice of the Greatest Creator. No matter how they look at it, they will not be able to see even a glimpse of the Greatest Creator.

6.The Greatest Creator is Merciful

Given the suffering that humanity endured during World War II, some people asserted, "The Greatest Creator is dead!" This is an insult and blasphemy against the Greatest Creator.

To understand the Greatest Creator using human emotions is like a blind man feeling an elephant. Judging features of the Greatest Creator based solely on human life and death, violation, adversity, and poverty, is like a mouse being the judge of humanity in court.  

Can we think that the Greatest Creator is unkind when we see a hardworking old mother suffering from illness and being bedridden before passing away?

Can we conclude that the Greatest Creator is unkind when a kind and honest person suffers throughout their life?

Some people are born into a life of luxury, without having good morals, and yet can easily gain power and wealth. They might even behave like thieves and prostitutes or harm innocent people, but still die peacefully and receive grand funerals. Can we declare that the Greatest Creator favors the wicked and is unkind to the good?

No! The Greatest Creator is merciful.

To understand the mercifulness of the Greatest Creator, we cannot measure it based solely on human standards of right and wrong. We must recognize it from the perspective of time and space, the cycle of life, and the level of spirituality. 

From the "Universe, Time and Space" chapter of Chanyuan Corpus", we know that there are 36 dimensional spaces in the universe, and life circulates in the Heaven World, Elysium World, Cathode Black Hole Body, the Ten-thousand-Year World, the Thousand-year World, Mortal World, Anode Black Hole Body, Livestock World, Animal World, Plant World (the Insect World and Bacteria World form the other two LIFE systems), the nether world, Frozen Layer, and Inflamed Layer.

Humans live in the middle world - the human world. Humans have lower spirituality than gods, Buddhas, and celestials but higher spirituality than livestock, animals, and plants. The level of spirituality decreases progressively from the Heaven World to the plant world.

For example, gods know everything in the universe, Buddhas know everything about the celestial land, the human world, the animal world, and the plant world but not the Heaven World, celestials only know everything about the human world, the animal world, and the plant world but not the Elysium World or the Heaven World, humans only know about the animal and plant worlds but are unclear about the celestial world (the Thousand-year World and the Ten-thousand-year World), the Buddha's world (the Elysium World), and the gods' world (the Heavenly World). Animals know about the plant world but are not clear about other life spaces, while plants are the most ignorant of all life and have little understanding of the universe, only going along with the flow of nature and accepting whatever comes their way.

From god’s perspective, humans are ignorant; from Buddha’s perspective, humans are evil; from Celestial Being’s perspective, humans are short-sighted and stupid; from mankind’s own perspective, humans are both good and evil but wise; from animal’s perspective, humans are unimaginable and horrible; from plants’ perspective, humans are wonderful and great.

Human ignorance manifests in not knowing where they come from or where they are going, living their whole lives confused and unsure, and pursuing things they shouldn't while neglecting what they should. They don't know why they live or how they die.

Human evil manifests in mutual killing, oppression, disrespect of gods and Buddhas, pride and arrogance, hunting and killing wild animals, and polluting rivers and oceans. If the Greatest Creator were not merciful, how could we be allowed to behave recklessly in the earth home He created for us?

Human genetic engineering, which is currently underway, is a great and remarkable undertaking from a human perspective, with unlimited bright prospects. However, from the perspective of the Greatest Creator’s order, this is an extremely dangerous and evil practice, and someday humanity will pay a heavy price for it. If the Greatest Creator were not merciful, he would not send warnings and admonitions to humanity.

Imagine if we had a few dogs at home, and they had learned how to unlock our bedroom door. What would happen then?

Human foolishness and short-sightedness manifest in focusing only on immediate and personal interests, rather than long-term and collective interests. People would rather spend time and effort making money or having fun than exploring the meaning of life, resulting in decades of fleeting happiness but losing thousands of years of good life. It's like the truth that everyone understands: if everyone is honest, the world is a paradise. However, everyone tries to be clever and hopes others are honest but exempts themselves, resulting in few truly honest people in humanity. Everyone is smart, but being too smart causes problems, making life messy and losing the bright future.

Now let's answer the three questions raised earlier.

What is the meaning of the suffering of a hardworking mother who has to endure years of bedridden illness before she passes away?

An ambitious, courageous and wise boss knows that in order to promote and value an employee, he must first let him experience various business aspects of the company, make him endure hardships that others cannot bear, and make them tolerate things that others cannot tolerate, cultivate his virtue of selfless dedication, and only then can he be entrusted with important tasks. The stricter the boss's requirements, the higher the future rewards. Mao Zedong made his son work as a farmer, then as a worker in a factory, and finally sent him to Korea to fight in a war. Why? To let him suffer first, understand the situation of the people, and finally have the hope of taking over his position and becoming a wise king.

Smart parents know that if they want their children to succeed, they cannot let them have everything they want. Excessive indulgence and pampering in childhood can only lead to regrets in adolescence and old age.

In the eyes of the Greatest Creator, humans are only in their youth. Let us endure some suffering and hardship in order to go to a better place after death – the Thousand-year World. At the very least, let us return to the human world, have the opportunity to cultivate ourselves through practice and eventually reach the Thousand-year World.

Wise people see the Greatest Creator as a kind father, and this is the reason.

From a human emotional perspective, allowing a hardworking mother to suffer again before her death is unkind and merciless. However, from the Greatest Creator's perspective, it can be seen as great kindness and benevolence. If the mother's efforts go to waste, that would be truly cruel!

When President Kennedy's father refused to let someone save his son from drowning in the river, in the eyes of ordinary people, it was an inhumane act. However, old Kennedy was cultivating a future US president, and how many people have such vision and foresight?

The meaning of making an honest and kind person suffer for a lifetime is not different from the above.

The United States has many regulations in its immigration policy. You are only eligible to live in the United States if you meet these requirements. If you want to become a professor at prestigious universities like Harvard and Cambridge, you must have certain qualifications and experience. Even if you manage to fake your way in, standing in front of clear-minded students and speaking with a mouth full of common mistakes and illogical reasoning, you will be driven out of the school within three days. An outstanding family does not allow their descendants to marry randomly, and a pure organization does not easily accept new members. The Thousand-year World is a pure land and cannot allow someone who emits a "foul stench" to enter, just as no one would allow dog feces and chicken droppings in their living room.

Making a kind and honest person suffer throughout their life is meant to cultivate their character so they can obtain qualifications to enter the Thousand-year World.

God Jesus said, "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of the Greatest Creator. Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh." Why? God said, "Because the kingdom of the Greatest Creator is yours."

Buddha said, "if a virtuous man or woman receives, holds (in mind), reads and recites this sutra and is despised by others, this person who is bound to suffer from evil destinies in retribution for his past sins, and whose karmic Sins are now eradicated by the others' contempt, will attain Supreme Enlightenment."

Lao Tzu said, "Misery! - happiness is to be found by its side!" “ To bestow a positive gift upon someone, you must initially extract something from them.”

The Greatest Creator makes a kind and honest person suffer throughout their life with good intentions, so how can we complain about it?

Letting a person enjoy a life of indulgence and pleasure may seem good, but in reality, it depletes your good fortune. The more you gain, the more you lose.

It is a common understanding that the higher you rise, the harder you fall; the steeper the climb, the more disastrous the fall.

Everything in the universe is a unity of opposites, and what is gained and lost ultimately evens out. The more you lose, the more you gain, and the less you gain, the less you lose. A religion in India advocates asceticism, not because they are ignorant, but because they understand this principle. Rockefeller, who became rich through the oil business, donated hundreds of millions of dollars to charity, leaving only a small amount for himself– a testament to his wisdom rather than foolishness. Kung Fu star Jet Li donated the money he earned from endorsements to Buddhism, not because he had too much money to spend.

They have realized the “Dao” and become wise.

Who says the Greatest Creator is not merciful?

If all humanity believes that "the Greatest Creator does not exist," then humanity itself ceases to exist. The reason for humanity's existence is that there are still many people who devoutly believe in and worship the Greatest Creator. It is for their sake that the Greatest Creator allows us to continue to exist on earth and hopes that we can repent and follow the path of the Greatest Creator. In this respect, the Greatest Creator is very merciful.

7.The Greatest Creator is Supremely Powerful

The entire universe is a collection of various energies, and within this energy collection there is an energy cluster. The relationship between the collection and the energy cluster is like that between the egg white and yolk of an egg. Within this energy cluster (yolk) is a small energy embryo, and within this embryo is an even smaller nucleus. This nucleus is the central nervous system of the universe, the consciousness of energy, the thinking area of the universe, which is the Greatest Creator.

Energy itself does not have consciousness or awareness. The huge energy released by an atomic bomb can kill both "bad people" and "good people," destroy the palace of a king, and level the hut of an ordinary person, because energy is unconscious.

Energy is incredibly powerful, but even more powerful is thinking, that is to say, the minds of the scientists who made the atomic bomb are more powerful than the atomic bomb itself. The small nucleus in the energy cluster, the central nervous system of the universe – the Greatest Creator, is more powerful than the total energy of the universe. Therefore, the Greatest Creator is supremely powerful, beyond energy.

8.The Greatest Creator is Intelligent​

The Greatest Creator’s superior wisdom is mainly manifested in the following three aspects.

(1)Establishing the order of the universe

The order of the universe mainly reflects in:

1) The orderly operation of macroscopic celestial bodies, such as spiral galaxies, elliptical galaxies, the Milky Way galaxy, star systems, and so on.

2) The order of the structure of microscopic matter, such as the orderly movement of molecules, atoms, electrons, protons, nucleons, mesons, hyperons, and quarks.

3) The order of the cycle of LIFE, such as when a person's spirituality reaches a certain level, they can become an immortal or a Buddha. When their spirituality declines to a certain degree, they can become a dog, a pig, a tree, etc. If a person's spirituality does not rise or fall during their lifetime, they can continue to be reincarnated as a human. Similarly, according to the rise and fall of their spirituality, a cow can become a human or other animals, and a celestial can either become a Buddha or a human.

(2)Designing the structure of LIFE

The structure of LIFE mainly refers to various genetic codes. Genes are like unexposed photographic negatives that can be copied repeatedly. The genetic codes (negatives) of different organisms are different, for example, human genes are different from pig genes, cat genes are different from bird genes, willow genes are different from peach genes, and rose genes are different from peony genes.

Generally speaking, genes have the characteristic of being compatible with the same type and repulsive to different types.

For example, the genes of people of different races such as Asian, Black, and White belong to the same type and are compatible with each other, so they can intermarry and have children. However, the genes of humans, animals, and plants belong to different types and are repulsive to each other. Therefore, humans, animals, and plants cannot mate and reproduce offspring. Even if they mate, they cannot give birth to any life forms. Cows, sheep, dogs, cats, pigs, chickens, tigers, leopards, deer, mice, snakes, otters, etc. are all animals, but their genes are of different types, so they cannot mate and reproduce offspring.

However, a small number of life forms have similar genetic structures, such as humans and apes, horses and donkeys, wolves and dogs, chickens and peacocks, and apple trees and pear trees, which can be crossbred or grafted. However, the offspring are not in the same form as their "parents", and they cannot reproduce. For example, the offspring of a human and an ape is a "wild man", who is sterile, the offspring of a horse and a donkey is a "mule", which is also sterile, the offspring of a wolf and a dog is a "hybrid" or "coydog", but the "hybrid" is also sterile, and the offspring of a chicken and a peacock is a "phoenix", which is also sterile. Apple trees and pear trees can be grafted onto each other and grow "apple pears", but the seeds of "apple pears" cannot reproduce, and so on.

Although humans and monkeys have similar physical forms, their genetic structures are different, so humans and monkeys cannot mate. Even if they do, they cannot produce anything. This is why humans did not evolve from monkeys, and of course, we cannot say that monkeys degenerated from humans.

A fertilized egg that can only be seen under a microscope can eventually develop into a tangible life form with a head, feet, eyes, nose, hair, eyebrows, skin, nails, heart, and blood vessels. This is the result of the Greatest Creator’s superior wisdom. Human hair can grow indefinitely, but eyebrows and eyelashes stop growing after reaching a certain length. Why? Because if they grow too long, they will affect the vision and hinder the activity of the organism. From fetus to adulthood, the development of life forms is strictly proportional, which is also the design of the Greatest Creator. Otherwise, if the left leg grows to one meter long and the right leg has not yet developed, the head has already formed, and the ears are still not visible, wouldn't it be a monster? Or if the heart has already started working, and the development of blood vessels has not yet begun, wouldn't the heart suffocate?

In fact, mechanical engineers, architects, etc. are also designers of genes. The mechanical drawings they design, and the construction drawings they design for machinery, buildings, bridges, etc., are a kind of genetic structure. Based on these genetic structures, workers can create real machines, buildings, bridges, etc. Any action of workers is carried out within the scope of the genetic structure (drawing). If the number of floors designed for a building is five, workers cannot build a six-story building. Even the size, position, materials used for windows, how wires run, and where pipes are installed are all clearly specified in the construction drawing, which is a genetic structure.

Evolutionists believe that humans evolved from monkeys, monkeys evolved from insects, and insects evolved from single-celled organisms. Birds evolved from land animals, and land animals evolved from aquatic animals. This is like saying that airplanes evolved from buildings, and buildings evolved from Swiss mechanical watches.

(3)Knowing the Past and Future

Great mentor Chairman Mao Zedong predicted the future development of more than twenty things in his lifetime, and the outcome of the development and changes of these things basically matched his predictions. Why? Because Mao Zedong was a wise person.

Anyone who can predict the future development of one or several things is a wise person. The higher the wisdom, the more accurate the prediction of the future development and changes of things. Scientists are wise people because all human creations and inventions are guided by human wisdom. Any activity without wisdom is inevitably a mess and a chaotic state.

A country with everything in order, balanced development, and people living and working in peace and contentment must have a wise advisory group at its leadership. If the people complain, the criminals are rampant, then the leadership of this country must have a brain without wisdom.

A family that cannot cultivate an accomplished person even after three generations is a family without wisdom.

A person who spends his whole life in poverty, unable to seize any opportunity, and with no distinction between the importance of his daily activities, is definitely a person without wisdom.

Some people can see opportunities from the change of national leaders, the trend and direction of future development from every new policy introduced by the country and adjust their activity goals accordingly. Such people are wise.

Some people can see the essence of things from a phenomenon and know the time of qualitative change from the speed of quantitative change. Such people are highly wise. Zhuge Liang is such a person, and his "Memorial on Sending out the Troops" and "Borrowing the East Wind" are clear evidence.

Everything in the universe operates according to laws and regulations. Whether it's the movement of celestial bodies, the growth of LIFE, the changes of time, or the variations of human society, nothing can escape the constraints of the laws.

Those who understand the laws of motion and change of things can predict the future.

Humanity can now predict the timing of solar and lunar eclipses hundreds of years in advance, determine the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, as well as the Five Elements of a specific day tens of millions of years into the future. We can forecast changes in weather and fluctuations in temperature weeks ahead and understand that it takes 18 years for a newborn to grow into a young adult. Skilled doctors can roughly estimate the date of a patient's death based on their symptoms, and some people with special talents can calculate a person's lifespan, just like the "Taoist" who told Mao Zedong the numbers "99" and "8341".

Everything in the universe is related to cause and effect, is inevitable, and follows certain laws. All things have a set fate, a beginning and an end. Therefore, the more wisdom one has, the more one understands the mysteries of the universe.

The Greatest Creator knows everything about the past and future of all things in the universe, while gods and demons know the operation and changes of the vast majority of things, and Buddhas know the past and future of human beings. Due to the limitation of genetic structure, humans can never reach the level of knowing everything, just like the decimal places of pi, humans will never know where the decimal ends, whether it is infinite or finite, cyclic or non-cyclic.

Although humans can never reach the level of wisdom of the Greatest Creator, they can reach the level of wisdom of gods and Buddhas. The problem is that when we reach the level of wisdom of gods and Buddhas, we cannot be human anymore, nor do we want to be human. Ordinary people seek to survive, but with the wisdom of gods and Buddhas, we no longer seek survival, but instead seek death. Life has become meaningless, and death becomes the only thing that matters. If we die well, we can go to the world of the Thousand-year World. If we die badly, we will suffer in the next life. The "happiness" and "joy" of human beings lie in ignorance and naivety. Once we have knowledge, suffering and trouble will follow and the "happiness" and "joy" as humans will no longer evoke any enthusiasm, and we will realize that life is a tragedy, just like a person seeing a deer happily bouncing around, surrounded by wolves, worms, tigers, and leopards. The deer can only feel "happy" and "joyful" because of its ignorance. If it knew the various dangers it faced, it would never be happy again. As human beings, no matter how happy and joyful the life of a deer may seem, we will never want to become a deer, just as the gods and Buddhas will never want to become human beings, unless this human being comes from a higher level of LIFE space, with a special mission.

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