40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator (16--20)


16.Golden Mean—Perfect Proportion

In 1996, I discovered hundreds of conch species in the marine products market by the seaside of Dar es Salaam, the capital of Tanzania. Those shells were incomparably and unimaginably beautiful. The spiraling structure of the whelk, in particular, dwarfs the best works of any architect. Is the brain of a shell creature more advanced than that of a man?

Later, by observing the flower discs of sunflowers, I discovered that the arrays of seeds in the discs take spiral shapes, whether seen leftward or rightward, and that the seeds are not crowded upon each other no matter how many seeds there are in the discs. I figured the ancestors of sunflowers must have had a college education or have obtained doctoral degrees; otherwise, how could their offspring have ever thought of such a perfect sequence of arrangement?

Then, by observing the arrangement of celestial bodies in the solar system, the size of the earth, and the arrangement of human body and plants, the arrays of branches and leaves of growing plants, the arrays of different petals, the sizes of various insects and the arrangement of their trunks and legs, and the arrangement of five sense organs, four limbs, and torso of the human body, and so on, I discovered that everything in nature has a certain proportion, which is not controlled by an organism itself but “predestined by heaven”, namely, there is a mysterious power that controls the development direction of an individual organism.

Take man, for example (please open your hand). Why are there only five fingers on the palm? Why is the middle finger longer than the other four fingers? Why does the thumb not stand in line with the other four fingers? Why is the total length of the three knuckles of the little finger rightly the total length of two knuckles of the ring finger? Why does the thumb have only two condyles while all other four fingers have three? What will happen if the little finger is longer than the middle finger, the middle finger is shorter than the index finger, or if the middle finger has one more knuckle and is two centimeters longer than the index finger and ring finger?

We can raise thousands of trillions of questions. For example, why has the height of man remained at about 1.73 meters for thousands of years? Why are the eyes of mice so small and the eyes of horses so large? Why cannot grass grow up into towering trees? Why does the size of a man’s penis match the depth and width of a woman's vagina? So on and so forth.

As long as we examine a question thoroughly, we will have to admit that behind every phenomenon there is a “mysterious power” or “enigmatic law” governing everything.

There is a harmonious proportion between everything, for example, the Milky Way, the solar system, Earth, the Moon, humans, dogs, birds, trees, grass, insects, bacteria, and so on. Additionally, within each entity, there exists an unbreakable and precisely balanced harmony of proportions between their different parts. For example, the size of the human body and its proportions with eyes, head, mouth, arms, legs, five internal organs, and blood vessels.

Exquisite proportions reflect the wisdom and quality of the Greatest Creator. That is to say, the various proportions are arranged by the Greatest Creator.

The wisdom of the Greatest Creator is boundless, just like the circumference ratio Pi, which is endless, enigmatic, and forever infinitely informative.

With the discovery of Pi, humans have realized the extensive and profound wisdom of the Greatest Creator and the endless mysteries of the material world. People cannot help but feel thrilled and enthralled by the wonder and profundity of Mother Nature, spellbound by the infinite future of LIFE, and fascinated by the wonderful future.

Human wisdom is also endless. People have discovered another secret - the imaginary number i, the square root of -1. Does -1 have a square root? The multiplication rule states that two positives make a positive, two negatives make a positive, and the square of any number is a positive number. Therefore, the square root of -1 does not exist at all. 

Now that the square root of -1 does not exist, why is the concept of an imaginary number introduced?

When science entered the period of quantum mechanics, even Einstein became puzzled because he thought that the universe was orderly and that the future development and changes of anything were predictable as long as the current status was known. However, quantum mechanics put forward the theory that "accurate measurement is impossible." The more accurately the position of a small particle is measured, the less accurately the measurement of its speed, and if the speed of a small particle is accurately measured, the measurement of its position will not be accurate. Is it so?

What is the expression of the wave function of quantum mechanics? Without imaginary numbers, there would be no complex plane; without a complex plane, there would be no complex number, and without a complex number, the wave function could not be expressed.

When we delve deeper into the microscopic world, we will see that the seemingly illusory imaginary number has actually reflected natural laws. The illusory thing, regarded as impossible by people, actually plays a critical role.

Hence, we realize that instead of a question of existence or not, the "illusory" power of the Greatest Creator is actually a decisive factor that determines the development and change of everything.

Therefore, we realize that in addition to real numbers, there are imaginary numbers and that there is a nonmaterial world apart from the material world. 

Moreover, we understand that in addition to the flesh of LIFE, there is a spiritual entity.

We come to realize that time is not solely linear but also has a lateral dimension. In the material world, time appears to be linear, progressing from past to present to future. However, in the realm of the “illusory” nonmaterial world, time is lateral. When it comes to humans, the physical body experiences time in a linear manner, with a past, present, and future, and with birth and death. However, the spiritual essence of a person experiences time laterally, transcending the linear progression. The spirit is not confined to the physical body and can, at any given moment, depart from it and enter the lateral dimension of time.

The positive and negative numbers of the material world can form a function. Such a function has four quadrants (areas). If we include imaginary numbers into the function, we will have a complex function. A complex function has 16 quadrants (areas). Please ask yourself, "Which quadrant is my LIFE in at present?"

The main purpose of this section is to explore the proportions in nature. Of all the proportions, people have found a special proportion - the golden mean, another secret of nature after the circumference ratio Pi and the imaginary number i.

So what is the golden mean Phi?

Take the human body, for example. If the ratio of height to the length from the sole to the navel equals the ratio of the sole to the navel and from the navel to the top, then the proportion is the golden mean. What is the proportion?  

The ratio of the golden mean is 1.61803398874989484821......

Let’s look at another array of numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610......

The above figures have a feature, that is, a number is just the sum of the previous two numbers.

If each number of this array is divided by the number before it, we can derive the following numbers: 1, 2, 1.5, 1.666, 1.6, 1.625, 1.61538, 1.619, 1.6176, 1.61818..., 1.61797..., 1.61805..., 1.61802..., 1.61803..., 1.61803..., 1.61803... If we continue the process, the value tends to be 1.61803398874989484821.....



What is the point of this value?  

It contains unlimited meanings. One of them is beauty.

Why are the conches mentioned earlier in this section incomparably beautiful? It is because they have developed according to the ratio of the golden mean. Why are flowers so pleasing to the eyes? Because they have grown according to the golden mean. Why don’t the seeds of plants “fight with each other”? Because they are arranged according to the golden mean. Why do some people look so pretty? Because every part of their figures reflects the golden mean. Why can musical instruments play melodious tunes? Because the chords of the instruments and the melodies approximate the golden mean. Why do some architectures look so harmonious and comfortable? Because the layout of these buildings has been designed according to the golden mean…

Will you think it is beautiful if a person has the neck of a giraffe, the eyes of a mouse, or arms longer than those of an ape?

Will it be harmonious if an eighty-meter building is built among the eight-meter houses or if a five-meter bungalow is built among clusters of high buildings?

People growing up in the countryside know that if all villagers live in low bungalows and someone builds a three-story building on a whim, this person is sure to suffer bad luck. Why was America’s World Trade Center blasted off? Seemingly, it was destroyed by terrorists, but actually, the destruction has something to do with its height. Similarly, if you live in a bungalow in an area surrounded by high buildings, you will feel depressed, and you and your children will have little chances of development.

We often see judges give scores for contestants on television, “the final score for Zhen You Mei Zi is … after crossing out the highest point and the lowest score."

Why should the highest and lowest scores be crossed out? It is because they are problematic, discordant, and extreme. Things always reverse themselves after reaching an extreme. Everything must develop within a certain proportion and must be agreeable with its surroundings. If the range of proportions is exceeded, it is no longer beautiful and harmonious.

What is harmony? Appropriate proportion is harmony.  

What is beauty? Appropriate proportional array is beauty.

The golden mean is the most harmonious and most beautiful of all proportions.

The development of all things is constrained by proportion. For the United States to become a world power, it must assist impoverished countries without exerting excessive force, otherwise, it will inevitably face punishment from natural laws. A poor and backward country must strive to move forward, otherwise, it will inevitably perish.

This is also the case with human beings. If the population has increased to such an extent that it has lost harmony with the number of plants and other animals, there will be no way to sustain the continuous growth, just like a rapidly growing branch of a tree. If the branch does not break off, it will pull down or even uproot the tree. Since there is a mysterious power or law of nature that governs the harmony of proportions, the exploding population will certainly be controlled. If humans can exercise control over themselves, all the better. If the population cannot be brought under control, then the power of nature will play its role. For example, wars, earthquakes, floods, fires, plagues, famines, and torridity can all play their part in reducing the population. Wasn't the outbreak of SARS in 2003 an alarm bell sounded by nature for mankind?   

Proportion is a mysterious power in nature that controls the development and changes of everything in the universe.

Who but the Greatest Creator has formulated this proportion?

17.Brain — Epitome of the Universe

All the material wealth created by humans is a realistic reflection of the brain. Humans’ thinking, memory, speech, and actions are all attributes of the brain. That a society can be organically united to accomplish a goal is also the result of brain activity. All Nobel Prize winners and great men in history distinguish themselves from others because they have made full use of their brains.

Scientists are still far away from uncovering the mystery of the brain, although they have conducted intensive research into the brain in the fields of neurology, anatomy, biology, biochemistry, and electromagnetism and have had detailed explanations for the structure of the brain and functions of different components. It can be said that humans are still in their infancy in terms of understanding the brain. Our knowledge of the brain is comparable to the part of an iceberg above the water, and what remains unknown can be likened to the gigantic mass underwater.

Like the mystery of the universe, the mystery of the human brain is a non-repeating infinite circumference ratio. Although we know that the brain consists of 10 billion brain cells and 10 trillion interacting nerves, that the nerve network of the brain is 10 miles long and can process a billion units of information per second, and that the memory capacity of the brain is 1.2 million times that of a large-scale computer, the brain, which accounts for 3% of body weight, still has unlimited contents:

The brain is the epitome of the universe, and the laws of the brain match the laws of the universe.

The brain is the epitome of the Greatest Creator’s wisdom, and the brain contains all the wisdom of the Greatest Creator.

The brain is the epitome of time, and the brain owns the information on the changes of the universe over several billions of years.

The brain is a processing factory, which can create things out of nothing and can transform the universe.

What is imaginable in the brain can all turn to reality.

The brain’s potential is unlimited, therefore, humans’ future is also unlimited, as long as humans do not go to extremes but stay in line with the Greatest Creator.

The brain is a mysterious place. Each neuron of the brain is not in direct contact with each other. The information between neurons is transferred by neurotransmitters, which are chemical in nature. However, within the neurons, the transmission of information is through electrical impulses. When we open up a cranium, we can only see things in biological terms. We cannot help but ask, “Where is memory stored? Where are thoughts stored?”

How does man’s thought come into being? Where is man’s memory stored? How does the brain process a large amount of complicated information? Why can man make spacecraft and land on the moon, while a donkey cannot even make a small cart to carry fodder? Don’t people say that all creatures are in the process of evolution?

The brain is not only capable of imagery thinking but also abstract thinking. It can not only learn but also practice. It can associate closely with not only the material world but also the nonmaterial world. Most of the scenes in our dreams are not necessarily the real image of the contemporary time-space but may be scenes from the past or even future time-space or even the real image of another time-space. How does the brain work its way out?

How do our emotions such as joy, anger, sadness, merriment, panic, trepidation, and yearning occur? How does the brain distinguish and correctly process them? How do we instantly recognize the tastes of sourness, sweetness, bitterness, spiciness, and saltiness? How does the brain react to them? We have senses of pain, itching, tingling, soreness, swelling, acerbity, slipperiness, jumping, hardness, softness, coldness, heat, coolness, and warmth. How does the brain recognize these senses and pass on the information to related “departments”? The love between a man and a woman is intoxicating. We are in ecstasy when sexual excitement reaches its climax. How does the brain perceive and respond to these sensations?

How could the brain come into being if it were not the careful design of the Greatest Creator? Could such a fantastic and intricate structure arise naturally? Could it have evolved from a single-celled microorganism?

18.Gene - "A Sealed Book of LIFE"

Genes are a type of structure and the cornerstone of LIFE. It is the general term for the special nucleotide sequences with genetic effects in DNA molecules. The resemblance of children to their parents is caused by the reproductive function of genes, which pass on genetic information to the next generation. The different gene structures account for why the white race is white, the black race is black, the yellow race is yellow, a dog is a dog, and a rose is a rose.

Genes are a part of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), which is a molecular chain composed of phosphate and sugar. It forms a double helix structure, consisting of two intertwined helical molecular strands connected by horizontal bars called nucleotides. Genes only account for 2%-4% of the entire DNA mass.

Scientific studies have shown that there are about 30,000 human genes, with each gene possessing an average of 14 different versions. The human genome contains about 42,000 gene versions.

The birth, growth, decline, and death of LIFE are regulated by genes. Over 8,000 known human diseases are related to genes. The natural healing of wounds in animals and plants is the result of genes' endeavor to retain their own perfect structures.

Scientific exploration and research have shown that there are one hundred trillion cells in the human body, and in each cell, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes, and in each chromosome, there are three billion base pairs. If all the chromosomes in the human body are linked head to tail, the total length will be more than 600 times the distance between the earth and the sun. If all the information of a chromosome is written down, it will fill up a 200,000-page phone book. The difference of chromosomes between individuals is only 0.1%. The comparison of the gene sequences of any two individuals reveals that 99.9% of the gene sequences are the same. The functions of the majority (97%) of chromosomes within human genomes remain a mystery.

Genes, the “Book of Life,” have been the focus of the Human Genome Project, which mobilized top scientific talents and cutting-edge technologies from the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, France, and China to decode them. After more than a decade of hard work, we finally see the basic framework of the mansion of LIFE - the gene. However, it seems that we have only understood

Do we not consider that the gene is the fruit of the wisdom of the Greatest Creator? Can such an intricate structure come into being without the Greatest Creator? Some people may stick to their theory of natural occurrence, but then I ask you, what does "natural occurrence" even mean?

19.The Wonder of the Great Variety of LIFE   

Exhibiting its fantastic luster, LIFE of myriad forms is presented everywhere, from the tropic zone, temperate zones, frigid zones to the North and South poles, from plains and canyons to precipitous cliffs, from the underground, the earth's surface, to the sky, from small creeks and ponds to rivers, lakes, and oceans.

With their insignificant sizes but astronomical numbers, bacteria, actinomycete, epiphyte, microzyme, lactobacillus, viruses, and other microorganisms present a dazzling world of LIFE under the microscope.

A million species of insects are exhibiting a gorgeous and bizarre world of LIFE.

More than nine thousand species of birds are flying in the sky. They are agile and flexible, bearing valiant and varying beautiful shapes that have inspired us to yearn for freedom and the future, causing our thoughts to soar to the distant horizon.

Countless fishes, shrimps, shell creatures, and other marine animals have constituted a fantastic and unimaginable underwater kingdom of LIFE.

We marvel at and are amazed and puzzled by hundreds of thousands of "large" terrestrial animal species with widely differing miens. Rushing or leaping, running or climbing, they exhibit their strong and vigorous bearing and their respective skills for survival.

With the change of seasons, more than a hundred thousand species of flowers vie with beautiful girls in their riotous profusion of colors, enchanting and attractive. They are a sight to behold, leaving one reluctant to part ways and longing to return.

From the creepy lichens to the tall and straight redwoods, from the float grass swaying in the wind to the meandering kudzu vines, from medlar to loquat, from mulberry and elm to coconut—the magical forms of the vegetable kingdom are so wonderful that they excel the work of nature.

We cannot help asking, “How do the riotous profusion of wonders of LIFE come into being? Without tissues, organs, brains, and hearts, how can those single-celled monads capture and digest food, excrete feces, move freely, build "houses", and have sex? Who has equipped insects with "armors"? Who has armed the birds with wings? Who has covered the beautiful clothes for flowers? Who has equipped man with the heart? Who else but the Greatest Creator?

20.The Protection Mechanism of LIFE - Conditioned Reflex

What is a conditioned reflex?

It was a rainy autumn day in 1980. I was looking out of a closed window of a classroom in the Geological Technical School of Zhangjiakou when suddenly a classmate named Cheng Hongfu from Sichuan mischievously spat at me from outside the window. Subconsciously, I stepped backward, closing both eyes instantly. This chain of reactions triggered the burst of laughter of Cheng Hongfu, who said jestingly, "Monitor, what a coward you are! The window is closed. How can I spit on your face?"

I said, "I did not realize that the window was closed. Do it one more time, and I will not react." I moved closer to the window, thinking that since the window was closed and he could not reach me, I would remain calm even if he spat blood at me. 

"Are you ready?" Before he had finished speaking, he spat at me again.

"Haw-haw, monitor, you closed your eyes again."

My eyes indeed closed at that moment. Later, I tried a few more times, but my eyes would not listen to my command. Every time he spat, I involuntarily winked my eyes.  

Later, in the classes of physiology and psychology, I came to know that this involuntary physiological reaction is called a conditioned reflex.

Pavlov even conducted an experiment on dogs. The feeding of dogs was always accompanied by the ringing of bells. After some time, the dogs' mouths watered when they heard the bells, even before the food was brought in front of them. Why did this happen? It is because the ringing of bells has become a signal for food for dogs and a conditioned stimulus. The dogs' prompt physiological and psychological reaction to this stimulus is called a conditioned reflex.

In the chapter "Drinking Wine and Rating the Heroes" of the novel Romance of Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao related a story to Liu Bei. "The green plums on the branch I saw just now in the garden remind me of last year's fight against Zhang Xiu. We were running short of water through the long march then. The army could not put up with the thirst. Suddenly an idea came to me. 'There is a plum grove ahead,' I cried and pointed with my riding whip. Having heard this and thinking of the sour green fruits, their mouths watered, and they did not feel thirsty anymore."

Because of the conditioned reflex, the troops of Cao Cao secreted saliva when hearing plums.

There are endless examples of conditioned reflex. Poke a crawling caterpillar with your hand or a stick, and it will immediately curl up into a circle. The abnormal behaviors of animals prior to an earthquake; Mimosa's curling of leaves when touched; the palpitation of the heart induced by a sudden sound on a quiet night; the contraction of muscles at the sight of a snake; the sneezes caused by the entrance of specks; the erection of the penis and the secretion of lubricating mucus in the vagina when watching pornographic videos; the tightening of muscles and the flush of the face at the thought of one's enemy; the trembling of the mouth and the shivering of the body in times of fear and tension; the spontaneous resistance when encountering sudden attack; inexplicable twitching of the eyelids, flush of ears, palpitation, and twittering of muscles - all these are results of a conditioned reflex.

Why are there conditioned reflexes in animals and plants? Whether we explain it from a psychological or physiological perspective, apart from the conditioned reflex acquired as second nature, the innate instinctive conditioned reflex cannot be created by the plants and animals themselves. 

Conditioned reflex primarily serves as a mechanism for LIFE’s instinct self protection, and is an instant response at one’s subconscious level.

Who designed this? Who but the Greatest Creator?

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