Thinking Self-Cultivation (4)
January 7, 2013
Topics for Reflection
1.The Impact of Negative Words What benefits do negative, pessimistic, and discouraging words bring to oneself? What benefits do they bring to the people around them?
2.The Fragrance of a Person's Presence Night-blooming jasmine emits a pleasant fragrance, while foul-smelling dung gives off a stench—these are determined by their structures. When a person is filled with resentment and continually spreads negative, pessimistic, and discouraging emotions and messages, are they like night-blooming jasmine or like dung?
3.Essential Elements for Growth A plant needs fertile soil, water, and sunlight to grow robustly. What elements are necessary for a person to grow and thrive in a healthy way?
4.Sources of Negativity What factors cause a person to feel distressed, negative, and pessimistic? Where do these factors primarily come from?
5.Responsibility for Accidents When a wild rabbit crossing a road is hit and killed by a car, who is responsible—the rabbit, the car, or some other factor?
6.Support vs. Constraint Why does one person face constraints at every step while another receives help at every turn?
7.Being Liked vs. Disliked Is it better to have more people dislike you or more people like you? Count how many people currently dislike you and how many like you.
8.The Happiest People What type of people are the happiest in the world?
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