The Realms that Chanyuan Celestials Have Achieved


May 3, 2020

There were more than two thousand Chanyuan celestials in 2009; after more than ten years, only four hundred and forty-four of them remain, so it can be seen how strict the Lifechanyuan elimination mechanism has been. Of these remaining Chanyuan celestials, at least half of them are unqualified but the truly compliant “ripe crops” who can be harvested into the granary of the kingdom of heaven is only slightly more than one hundred.

These are the tops in the world; that is, only very few people can enter heaven and if you do not believe me, then just check the following and see if you can reach the level that these more than one hundred fortunate souls have achieved.

  1. They have transcended LIFE and death. Even if the more than one hundred Chanyuan celestials die now, they would not hesitate or have any fear, but will face death calmly and joyfully. Death is like changing a car or a boat and its threat would never make them succumb.

  2. Any temptation is powerless to them. You could offer them a hundred million dollars to leave Xuefeng, but they would remain indifferent. Money, power, fame, gain, and carnal pleasure can neither touch them nor shake their faith.

  3. They are calm in the face of both favor and disgrace. However, you praise or eulogize them would not persuade them to comply; no matter how you insult, derogate, or threaten them, they would not get angry.

  4. Owning nothing, possessing neither tangible material things nor intangible non-material things, they have no relatives, no enemies, let alone any lovers, and are in an ethereal and beautiful state of being that is one with Tao.

  5. They have no desires, take things as they come, associate with others by following predestined relations, act in accordance with their natures, take advantage of opportunities that arise, and are in a state of inaction.

  6. They will neither argue with anyone nor comment on who is right or wrong. They have surpassed the dualistic Taiji thinking and entered into the holographic state of non-form thinking.

  7. They never panic or complain about others when adversity or danger is at their door, but remain at ease, natural, and unrestrained.

  8. They never complain, compare themselves to or find fault with others, suffer from envy, are always blooming with the nature of Tathagata, and are always full of energy and infinite vitality.

There are many more descriptions that can be stated, but how many people can achieve even these eight states? Many truths taught by Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, and other wise masters, are easy to learn and even to understand, but they are next to impossible to live. If you do not believe me, then just try them yourself.

How were we able to reach such high levels of self-improvement and self-cultivation in Lifechanyuan within only about ten years? This is very simple to answer; it is that we have grasped the core of self-improvement and self-cultivation and our precious time has not been wasted on chanting scriptures, casting spells, practicing and sitting in meditation, understanding obscure concepts, reading a vast sea of “chicken soup for the soul”, preaching and debating, paying attention to and worrying about changes in our current situation or natural changes, nor has it been wasted on the mundane affairs of human relations in daily life. We did three things earnestly.

  1. We repaid our debts and severed our secular ties

  2. We accumulated merits and treasures in heaven

  3. We perfected our LIFE’s nonmaterial structure by living collectively

Chanyuan celestials are rising to the highest realms of life and LIFE, and it can be said with pride that these more than one hundred Chanyuan celestials have stood at a higher realm of life than any other people throughout all of human history; only these nearly one hundred people have collectively achieved it. This is a miracle, a feat, and more than a myth.

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