The Naked will Be One with Me


November 7, 2020

You should always show your beauty to the outside world because when you show your troubles, pain, misfortune, melancholy, resentment, and your other ugly sides, you will not be beautiful, but rather ugly. When all people show their beauty outwardly, the world will become more beautiful; when they show their ugliness outwardly, it will become more ugly.

Beauty attracts beauty and ugliness attracts ugliness. Passive, negative, and pessimistic emotions will only attract more people, things, and events of the latter. Do not expect the garbage from your mouth to attract phoenixes.

When God comes to you, be naked; the more magnanimous and naked you are, the more you will be favored and protected by God. When you hide something, you cannot be one with God, and God will stay away from you.

When God approaches you, be only grateful. God knows your needs; the less you ask for, the more your needs will be satisfied; the more you ask for, the less they will be satisfied.

When God comes to you and tells you which way to go, but you ignore and do not abide, then you will never be guided again.

You should learn to surrender yourself; when you meet God, surrender everything you have completely, which is full integration. Full integration is oneness with God, unification with God, and you will also become a God. If you try to hide anything in the face of God, thinking that it will not be known, then you are the stupidest person in the world, because God knows everything.

The most beautiful things are for the most beautiful people and the ugliest things are for the ugliest people, but do not beg for beautiful things; instead, make yourself beautiful. When you are beautiful, beautiful things will naturally come to you.

Whatever happens, you should first consider what you can give; in this way, you are connected with the sacred and noble. At that moment, if you consider what you can get first, then you are united with lowliness and you will never be noble.

There are no worries or pains in heaven; if you have worries and pains, then you have nothing to do with heaven, and you will never reach it.

There is no marriage in heaven; once you marry, never expect to reach heaven.

You should learn how to play and amuse yourself, and do not talk about great principles all day. The more you talk about great principles, the more you will be hung in the air and will not taste the joy and happiness on the ground, nor will you taste the delicacies in heaven.

Do not preach to others the truth that you do not understand; it is all rubbish.

Where there is light, there is no darkness. So if you feel darkness, it is because you are not living in light.

Do not doubt that the ones who bring you joy, happiness, freedom, and blessings, and make you feel relaxed and happy are angels from heaven; the ones who bring you troubles, pain, anxiety, sorrow, and fear, and make you feel sad and anxious are demons from hell.

Anything that can be valued and bought with money is not of heaven and anyone who values money is not a life worthy of heaven.

In any group, do not stand out for your exceptionality or make yourself conspicuous or that group will eventually abandon you.

Glamor belongs to celebrities but real happiness belongs to ordinary people with great wisdom but who appear slow-witted.

Do not try to reason with people who do not understand reason or try to make cats and mice get along well as a family.

Do not believe that anyone can “help all sentient beings” before they can handle their own affairs well, either they are digging a trap for you, or they are out of their mind.

Instead of listening to what people say, it is better to see what they do; what comes out of their mouth might deceive others, but what they do will not.

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