A Beautiful Life is Composed of People Whom You Trust


March 28, 2024

If you have 100 people you can completely trust, then your life is the most beautiful, regardless of whether you are rich, powerful, or famous.

If you don’t have a single person worthy of complete trust, then your life is the most pitiful, no matter how wealthy or powerful you may be.

Complete trust means you are willing to entrust your life to them, willing to take on any responsibility and obligation for them, willing to hand over your wealth to them without any doubt, and willing to share your innermost secrets with them without fear of being harmed.

So, how many people do you have that you can completely trust?

I thought to myself, in secular society, if a person has three to five people they can completely trust throughout their lifetime, it is already quite remarkable.

Just imagine, the more people you completely trust, the larger your world feels, the more secure you feel, the happier you are, and the more optimistic, confident, and romantic you become. Conversely, if you have few or no people you completely trust, you may feel anxious, perceive constant threats, feel helpless, be pessimistic about the future, and view life as a bitter journey.

Can you find and encounter 100 people worthy of complete trust throughout your life?

I can confidently say that relying on money, power, fame, seduction, or status will never lead you to find people worthy of complete trust. In fact, it may lower the trust others have in you. You cannot be certain about how those around you, including your worldly relatives, friends, and others, truly feel about you. If you doubt this, try handing over all your wealth to someone and see what happens, or give them your bank card and password for safekeeping and withdrawal. If you hesitate, it proves that you don’t truly trust them, or at least not completely.

So where can you find 100 people worthy of complete trust?

Only on the way to heaven can you find 100 people worthy of complete trust, not only 100, but even 1000 or 10,000.

I have come to this realization and assertion because I have found over 100 people whom I can completely trust. I can confidently place my money in their pockets without any doubt. I can confidently put all my assets under anyone’s name without worrying that they will claim ownership.

When I have over 100 people I can completely trust, I myself become insignificant. Working hard and creating wealth for those I trust becomes the greatest happiness and pride of my life. Dedicating everything, including my life, to those I trust, I feel great. Any hint of selfishness makes me feel ashamed, as it would be a betrayal of the Almighty and a betrayal of life itself.

From this, I have discovered a secret: the more people we have whom we can completely trust, the closer we are to heaven. Conversely, the fewer people we have whom we can completely trust, the closer we are to hell.

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