The Mechanism and Timing of Heaven's Rewards and Punishments


January 29, 2022


The universe, governed by Tao, is holographic.

The heavenly net is vast yet meticulous.

It follows a set procedure, disregarding emotions and reasoning.

It emphasizes justice, not favoring kindness.

All are treated equally, regardless of their status.

Respect is given to those who respect, and mockery to those who ridicule.

The rich are allowed to become richer, and the poor poorer.

It strikes when least expected, catching the unprepared off guard.

Note: Here, “rich” primarily refers to spiritual and mental wealth, while “poor” refers to spiritual and mental poverty. Those who are content, debt-free, and able to contribute to others and society are considered rich. Those who are discontented, indebted, and constantly take from others and society are considered poor.

Timing of Rewards and Punishments:

For minor offenses, rewards or punishments are immediate.

For major offenses, rewards or punishments are given once a threshold is crossed.

In specific cases, rewards or punishments are given promptly.

In general cases, all factors must be in place before rewards or punishments are administered.

Issues related to emotions are addressed through reincarnation.

Issues related to love are addressed through ascension or descent.

Matters involving debts are addressed through debt collection or repayment.

Matters involving life are addressed based on the principle of equivalence.

Note: “Specific cases” refers to events with a limited scope, such as a fight between two individuals, while “general cases” refer to events with broader implications, such as World War II. For an individual, the outcome of rewards or punishments may be evident within a few years or decades, while for society as a whole, it may take several decades or even centuries. The rewards or punishments for all of humanity may take thousands or even tens of thousands of years to manifest.

Recommendation: To fully understand the content of this passage, please refer to “Standards and Methods of Heaven’s Rewards and Punishments.”

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