Preface to “The Chapter on Revelations”


The Spirit (Tao) of the Greatest Creator and the universe are inseparable, just as the Earth and life are intertwined. The human body's organs, blood and marrow, sensory organs, hair, and consciousness are also interconnected as a whole.

The Greatest Creator has never engaged in direct conversations with any individual in human-created languages. However, this does not mean that the Greatest Creator is distant from humanity. The Greatest Creator is constantly in dialogue with humans, but the form of communication is not through our human languages. Instead, it occurs through the language of the Greatest Creator .

All things in the natural world are the language of the Greatest Creator , and all phenomena in nature are the utterances of the Greatest Creator . The sun, moon, stars, rivers, lakes, oceans, wind, clouds, rain, snow, humans, animals, birds, insects, trees, flowers, mountains, rocks, and the Earth itself are all the language of the Greatest Creator. The movements of celestial bodies, the rushing of rivers, the roaring of the sea, the changing of weather, the falling of rain and snow, the shifting of seasons, the growth and decline of living beings, including the chirping of insects, the calls of birds, the shouts of humans, the neighing of horses, earthquakes, floods, thunderstorms, and lightning are all the speech of the Greatest Creator.

Everything that humans perceive through their eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body is the language and speech of the Greatest Creator.

To understand the language of the Greatest Creator and comprehend His speech, one cannot rely solely on sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. It requires spiritual perception, but spiritual perception alone is not enough; wisdom is also necessary. Without spiritual perception, we will never understand the language and speech of the Greatest Creator, and without wisdom, we will never grasp what the Greatest Creator is saying.

Having spiritual perception alone without wisdom, we can only sense the presence of the Greatest Creator but cannot accurately understand the workings of the Greatest Creator's Spirit (Tao). In other words, we may only know that we are destined to live and destined to die, but we are unclear about the reasons why we exist and why we must face death. This is referred to as "knowing the what, but not knowing the why."

Having wisdom alone without spiritual perception, we cannot truly perceive the existence of the Greatest Creator. We can only rely on accumulated human knowledge, experience, lessons, rigorous logical reasoning, and scientific experiments to uncover some mysteries of the universe, nature, and LIFE. In other words, we may understand why we live and why we die, but we cannot comprehend the ultimate reasons behind the necessity of life and death. This is referred to as "knowing the why, but not knowing the what."

With the exception of a very small number of individuals who possess both spiritual perception and wisdom, generally speaking, religious figures have spiritual perception but lack wisdom, while scientists have wisdom but lack spiritual perception. The majority of the general population, who fall between these two categories, lack both spiritual perception and wisdom. They merely exist blindly, living their lives without a clear sense of purpose.

"The Chapter of Revelations" is the divine revelation given to me by the Greatest Creator. Before completing the chapters on "Unconventional Thinking," "The Greatest Creator," "Universe, Time & Space" "Humanity and Human Life," "LIFE," "Self-Improvement," "Self-Cultivation," and "Physical and Spiritual Healthcare," it is necessary to first complete "Revelations". However, considering that "Revelations" directly involves the mysteries and secrets of the universe, it could pose significant risks if known by individuals with malicious intentions. It is akin to nuclear weapons: if in the hands of peace-loving individuals, they can deter those who seek to cause war and unrest, instill fear in them, and prevent their recklessness. But if controlled by evil individuals, humanity will suffer greatly.

Jesus warned me, "Do not give holy things to dogs, nor cast pearls before swine."

The Buddha enlightened me, "Speak for the Mahayana practitioners."

The spirit of Laozi advised me, " Tao, when obtained by a noble person, becomes the foundation of their self-cultivation, while when obtained by a petty person, it is treated lightly and without reverence for LIFE."

What should I do?

I must heed the admonitions of gods, Buddhas, and immortals. However, in the vast sea of humanity, it is impractical for me to individually seek out noble individuals who practice the Mahayana path. Moreover, time is limited, and I don't have much time to patiently guide each person. Therefore, I have no choice but to follow the "Doctrine of the Mean" and adopt a middle path. I will conceal the mysteries and secrets beneath the surface of phenomena, only hinting at them. This way, those who possess spirituality and wisdom can see beyond the surface, transcend the vastness, and more easily discover the "gems and gold beneath the earth's surface." As for the rest of the people, they will be like what Jesus said, "Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand."

In addition to "Revelations" and the other mentioned chapters, there is another chapter in Lifechanyuan called the "Preaching of the Tao." This chapter is entirely different from the "Tao Te Ching," and it can be said without exaggeration that the wisdom contained in the "Preaching of the Tao" far surpasses that of the "Tao Te Ching." For instance, when it comes to beings who are destined for or already in hell, Jesus' attitude is, "Lest they repent and be forgiven." On the other hand, in Buddhism, Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha vows, "I vow to save all sentient beings in the world, and I will not enter the Elysium world until hell is empty."

Who is right and who is wrong? Whose guidance should we ultimately follow?

"Preaching of the Tao" specifically addresses such challenging questions.

However, the timing is not ripe at the moment. Only when Lifechanyuan is widely accepted by all human beings can "Preaching of the Tao" be shared openly. It is similar to constructing a building where exquisite chandeliers cannot be hung until the main structure is completed.

Laozi said, " When the highest type of followers hears Tao (the truth), they try hard to live in accordance with it.

When mediocre types hear Tao, they seem to be aware and yet unaware of it.

When the lowest types hear Tao, they break into loud laughter.

If it is not laughed at, it is not Tao.”

Regarding "The Chapter of Revelations," those who understand will discern its true essence, while those who do not will merely spectate. Apart from that, I have nothing else to discuss.

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