Time Brings Changes in Fortune


February 7th, 2007

All things await their opportune moment to act. When it arrives, greenery flourishes, insects take flight, solid ice melts, thunder is born. When the time has not come, no storms brew, flowers lack buds, gold appears as iron, and even geniuses seem mediocre.

All things await their moment to act. When it arrives, injustices are revealed, secrets come to light, the scenery changes from fortune to misfortune. When it's not time, the oxen bully the tigers, cats fear mice, diligent studies go unnoticed, exceptional talents seem worthless.

Time, geographical advantage, support of people—time takes precedence. Even with remarkable talent and ambitions spanning the universe, without favorable timing, one can only sip the northwest wind. Even with a heart of passion, without opportune timing, one's efforts find no outlet.

Time brings changes in fortune. Without opportune timing, fortunes do not change. Even with full seeds, they'll lie dormant underground. Even with brilliant minds, they'll reside in obscure places. Even with perfect plans, they'll gather dust. Even with resounding voices, they'll only shout in vain.

At the right moment, in the turning of fortunes, the ugly duckling may become a white swan, a cowherd leads a million valiant soldiers, a golden phoenix emerges from a mountain nest, and barren lands transform into lucrative markets. Those who bowed their heads lift them high, while those who once held their heads high bow their heads. For some, wealth flows in abundantly, and their career paths are clear; for others, they stumble and face poverty and illness.

The heavens have their fortune, nations have theirs, individuals too. If the heavens' fortune falters, so does a nation's, and thus an individual's. If a nation's fortune wanes, it's hard for an individual's fortune to turn.

Grass and trees know their seasons; in spring, they thrive. Wise individuals discern opportune moments and create grand achievements in due time. Failing to act when necessary leads to missed opportunities and bad luck. Inappropriately, forcefully, or foolishly acting when one should not turn good fortune into misfortune.

Sprouting in winter leads to inevitable demise; budding in autumn leads to fruitlessness; sprouting in spring is opportune.

Time is fortune. When time brings change, it might be favorable or adverse, depending on one's perception.

Time, ever-changing, constantly seeks auspicious winds and timely rains, seeking prosperity for the nation, peace for the people, and harmony throughout the world. With everyone's well-being, there comes good fortune; in the face of widespread misery, personal good fortune is elusive.

Fortune is transformative; apparent good fortune may be substantial misfortune, and apparent misfortune may be substantial good fortune. If heaven intends to grant people good fortune, it might first befall them with misfortune; if heaven intends to bring misfortune to people, it might bestow apparent good fortune first. Whether it is calamity or fortune, it all depends on one's own perspective.

Three elements constitute fortune: life's structure (genes), gestation period, and timing. Life's structure determines the broad trajectory of fortune. An egg can only hatch into a chick, not into an eagle. "A dragon begets a dragon, a phoenix begets a phoenix, a mouse's offspring dig holes." Wheat cannot grow into corn; ordinary people cannot become geniuses. Not all cowherds can command a million soldiers, not all music students become Bach, Beethoven, or Mozart, not all compassionate individuals become Jesus, Buddha, or Muhammad, not all college dropouts become Bill Gates. The transformation of fortune requires a gestation period; "ten months' pregnancy leads to one day of childbirth," "peach trees take three years, apricots take four, and walnut trees need eighteen years to bear fruits." Without or insufficient gestation, even with opportune timing, fortune is hard to transform. "Inspiration favors the contemplative, opportunities embrace the prepared mind, and miracles do not happen on the desert of the soul. Those who eagerly await good fortune must accumulate the basic materials in that direction. Waiting aimlessly will not bring good fortune. “All preparations ready, just waiting for the east wind." Only with complete preparation can one utilize the east wind; without readiness, even with the wind blowing, the fire cannot burn at Chibi. Similarly, without the wind rising, all prior preparations are meaningless. Therefore, good fortune also depends on timing.

The 5th, 9th, 11th, 14th, 16th, 17th, 34th, 53rd, and 56th hexagrams of the Book of Changes primarily discuss cultivating and awaiting the opportune moment, awaiting changes in fortune.

The cart travels on the road, the horse runs on the track, people walk on paths, immortals tread immortal paths. Without changing the trajectory of LIFE, a dog remains a dog, and commoners remain commoners. Even when the time comes, it only smooths the trajectory but does not change it; it means that people cannot become immortals. To transition from the trajectory of a human LIFE to that of an immortal, one needs to foster the structure of an immortal LIFE, then step into the immortal path at the opportune moment.

Times are changing, take the opportune moment. The era of networking, combined with the consciousness of the new age, acts as a catalyst for transforming one's life fortune. Today, the information we receive in a day surpasses that of an entire year in the past. Old systems are gradually disintegrating, even collapsing. "The times create heroes," and the consciousness of the new age shapes higher-dimensional lives. When the time comes, seize the opportunity, "align with the international system," embrace the lifestyle of the immortals, and in doing so, great fortune awaits.

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