The sign for the Thai Branch of the Lifechanyuan International Family has been erected.


This marks a milestone in the development history of Lifechanyuan. Since establishing the Oasis and registering as an international family institution in Canada a year and a half ago, we have laid the foundation for internationalization. The establishment of a branch in Thailand now signifies that the Chanyuan Celestial of Lifechanyuan has the capability to promote the Chanyuan philosophy and the Oasis model worldwide.

I am grateful for the dedication and contributions of Huiyi, Fengxing, Huiguang, Conglong, Ailian, Biyue, Luoyan, Zhaoming, Baojuan, Huafan, and all those who have devoted themselves to this cause. I am proud and proud of you all. Under challenging conditions and in a foreign land, you have managed to create an oasis, demonstrating extraordinary qualities and capabilities. Your achievements will echo through the ages, each of you writing a brilliant chapter in the history of Lifechanyuan.

Despite the hot weather, mosquitoes, simple food, basic accommodations, inadequate living facilities, unfamiliar surroundings, and language barriers, you have raised our banner. I believe that you and the brothers and sisters who will follow can transform the Thai branch into a beautiful utopia. By attracting people from around the world to learn and exchange ideas, we will spread the Chanyuan philosophy and Oasis model to every corner of the global village. I encourage brothers and sisters who share this belief to continue arriving, writing their own splendid chapters of life and the journey of life.

The Thai branch has acquired a second-hand pickup truck, which, though old, serves as a crucial means of transportation, enabling the gradual regularization and proceduralization of the Thai home. Every participant in the construction of the Thai home has shown admirable thrift and efficiency in order to save money for the appropriate vehicle and manage the back and forth journeys.

Please enjoy the photos.


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