The Watershed between Being Unrestrained and Restrained in the Face of Death


Jan. 3, 2023

Assume that tomorrow you'll die, would you be able to live unrestrainedly today?

Facing death, if you can remain unrestrained, congratulations! You've become a Celestial being, and you can go to heaven.

Facing death, if you are in chaos, anxiety, fear, and regret, you are still human, and you will be reincarnated on Earth.

Why can't you be unrestrained?

Your heart is burdened, entangled, full of desires, worries, and concerns. Earthly ties remain unresolved, and debts weigh heavily on you. For example, you have to support your parents, raise your children, protect your property, guard your company. Some affections remain unresolved, some debts remain unpaid, and you still hope to make a career, achieve success, and bring honor to your ancestors and family. However, in such a state of mind and spirit, it's impossible to be carefree. Even managing to avoid being miserable and sighing all day is already considered good.

How can you be unrestrained?

Be free from worldly ties, free from debts, free from emotional entanglements, have no burden in your heart, no desires, and no worries about having food to eat tomorrow. Don't even harbor the extravagant hope of eternal life. Don't pursue fame, don't chase after profits, be ready at any time to shake hands and embrace Death with joy, then how can you not be unrestrained?

Can anyone achieve a life free from worldly ties, debts, and attachments?

For ordinary people, it's nearly impossible. If someone can achieve that, they certainly aren't just ordinary people; they must be Celestial beings, or perhaps Buddhas, gods, or spirits, monsters, or demons.

In this world, there is a group of beings who can achieve this; they are called "Chanyuan celestials."

Therefore, becoming a celestial being is the watershed between being unrestrained and not being unrestrained. As a human, never delude yourself into thinking that you can live a unrestrained life throughout your entire life, as being unrestrained is a trait and privilege of celestial beings.

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