How Easy It Is to Cultivate into a Celestial Being


May 26, 2023

Begging for help is tough, earning money is hard, becoming famous is an extreme challenge. Getting married is difficult, establishing a family is not easy, and providing for a family is an even greater struggle. Life is plagued by troubles, encompassing birth, aging, sickness, and death. Rather than toil and rack your brain, it's better to turn around and become an Celestial being.

In truth, being a human or a ghost is even more challenging than being a pig or a dog, but becoming a celestial being is the easiest. If you can achieve the following eight points, you will become a celestial being.

  1. Do not get married, do not start a family, do not buy a house, or acquire possessions. Simple meals nourish the body, and sleep under a thatched hut until dawn.

  2. Do not talk about family or country, do not talk about awakening or being a Buddha. Work diligently every day and be content if have enough to eat.

  3. Do not flatter or curry favor, do not seek connections or pursue relations. When you encounter like-minded individuals on the path to celestial being, form bonds and assist each other like family.

  4. Do not wear gold or silver, do not crave vanity, or pursue fame. A bamboo fence and a thatched cottage provide delightful scenery, and having a leisurely mind with nothing to worry about is most important.

  5. Do not scheme for personal gain or public welfare, do not discuss ideals, or seek recognition. Even if you possess profound knowledge of the world, do not offer help unless it is asked.

  6. Do not talk about oneself or others, do not discuss right or wrong or distinguish between good and evil. The divine net is all-encompassing; instead, discuss mulberry-and-hemp over tea.

  7. Do not borrow money or owe debts, do not desire extravagance or hoard wealth. Emulate the carefree nature of grass, regardless of wind, frost, rain, or snow.

  8. Do not follow trends or conform to the masses, bravely climb towards the celestial world. Life on Earth is like a fleeting moment; laugh heartily and forget everything.

Try it out! Achieving the above eight points is surprisingly easy. Even as mere mortals, as long as you accomplish these eight points, you will experience the taste of a Celestial being.

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