Promote the Frequency of Vibration


Feb. 2, 2012

Everything visible, including human body, is an aggregate of structure and energy, while all images are made up of particles revolving at high velocity. All differences in physical forms are caused by the vibration frequencies of the particles that constitute these physical forms. The difference in vibration frequency leads to the difference in the form of an object.

The LIFE in the universe exists in different levels. The higher the frequency of vibration, the higher the order of LIFE; the lower the frequency of vibration, the lower the order of LIFE; the higher the frequency of vibration, the more indefinite the form; the lower the frequency of vibration, the more definite the form. Take, for example, trees, animals, mankind, celestial beings, and god. Trees have a lower frequency of vibration than animals, thus animals are superior to plants. Humankind has a higher frequency of vibration, thus man is superior to animals. Celestial beings have a higher frequency of vibration than man, thus celestial beings are superior to people. God has a higher frequency of vibration than celestial beings, thus god is more advanced than celestial beings. Why cannot we see god with our naked eyes? Because god has an extremely high frequency of vibration. The higher the frequency of vibration, the more indefinite the form, therefore we cannot see god. This is something analogous to the vibrations of wings of dragonflies and bees. When dragonflies and bees stay motionless on petals or twigs, their wings have a very low frequency of vibration, so we can see their wings most clearly. But when they are in flight, we can only discern their wings most faintly, and when they are flying at a high speed, we can hardly see their wings. The slower the wings flap, the more clearly visible they are, the faster the wings move, the more invisible they are. Only by promoting the frequency of vibration can man achieve the celestial being.

How to boost man’s frequency of vibration? We often say someone is too stupid or too slow in reaction. The reason why he is too stupid or too slow in reaction is that he has too low a frequency of vibration. People “Refuse to be convinced until they are faced with grim reality”, or “do not turn to a new leaf until it is too late” simply because the vibration frequency of their LIFE is too slow. In life some people are dull, stupid, obdurate, rigid, and stubborn because they have a very low frequency of vibration. Some people are flexible, intelligent, agile, and efficient because they have a very high frequency of vibration.

The sense of happiness, pleasure, and delight a person feels is related to the vibration frequency of his LIFE. The higher the frequency of vibration, the more plentiful and wonderful the feeling of happiness and pleasure. The lower the frequency of vibration, the less and more retardant the feeling of happiness and pleasure. This is analogous to the sexual love between the man and woman, where the faster the penis twitches inside the vagina, the more easily the pleasure and orgasm can be felt, and the slower the twitches, the more difficult the pleasure and orgasm can be felt. The speed of the twitches is the frequency of vibration.

To judge whether the vibration frequency of a person’s LIFE is high or low, we can simply get to know the state he is in. If he is always pleasant, happy, joyful, and blessed, then he has a very high frequency of vibration, if he is always distressed, troubled, sad, worried, anxious, puzzled, and frightened, then he has a very low frequency of vibration. The effective means to boost the frequency of vibration include: flexible, harmonious, gentle, active, optimistic, tolerant, understanding, caring, respectful, happy, peaceful, calm, and grateful. A person’s vibration frequency will not increase but will fall if he is impassive, numb, untrustworthy, remorseful, fearful, anxious, selfish, greedy, jealous, complaining, comparison-minded, furious, resentful, indignant, and arrogant. In one word, the less weed there is in the garden of soul, the higher the frequency of vibration; the more weed there is in the garden of soul, the slower the frequency of vibration.

The poorer the power of comprehension, the slower the promotion of vibration frequency. To be aware, one must be sensitive in feeling and agile in response, one must be able to understand the wordless heavenly book, and one must also comprehend and practice in his daily life the teachings of god, Buddha, celestial beings and saints. The information age is the optimum time for us to boost our frequency of vibration, as well as the good opportunity for us to perfect ourselves. We should be quick and agile in response and action.

Now it is the final moment for this phase of humankind. Irresolution and indecision at such a critical juncture will only cause you to be eliminated. Conventional thinking, traditional way of life, and traditional methods of self-refinery will not work. We must quickly boost the frequency of vibration and act promptly. The only one best way to achieve all this is to read as quickly as possible the last course for this phase of mankind and make it to the last flight.

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