The summer at the Canadian Headquarters

Tongxin Celestial

From early spring in May to the height of summer now, May and June are the most beautiful seasons at the Canada Headquarters. The rain is abundant, the sun is warm, nourishing the lush greenery of the grass and trees. The sky is clear blue, and the air is fresh and invigorating. June has seen at least a dozen rains, thoroughly watering the earth. From the second floor of the main building where I live, the view outside is exceptionally beautiful.

Entering July, the heat and dryness of summer are starting to show. So far, not a drop of rain has fallen. The lawns are drying up, grass turning yellow, and wildfires in Canada are becoming more frequent. These past few days, the sky has been veiled in smoke and dust. I truly hope for some rain to cleanse and nourish the earth, and to cool down the forests and grasslands.

From early spring to midsummer is the busiest time here. Each of us has plenty to do, and we're so busy that we hardly have time to take photos together. However, just before the busy season started, we took a trip to the Waterfall Park in 100 Mile House. We experienced the spectacular beauty of the waterfalls up close, feeling the spiritual charm of pure water, which nourished our souls.

I would like to share with you some photos of the scenery from May to July and our outing.


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