Thirty-Six Eight-Trigram Arrays: The Array of Fate
When a person is born into this world, known as the human world, it seems as though everything has already been arranged, with little room for personal choice. Factors such as one’s parents, birth date and time, family environment, era of birth, gender, appearance, talents, temperament, race, region, siblings, and more are predetermined. Throughout life, the type of education one receives, the profession one pursues, the people one encounters, the life’s twists and turns, whether one falls ill and what illnesses one suffers from, how much wealth one accumulates, what level of fame and status one achieves, how much suffering and joy one experiences—all these seem predetermined. In youth, one might believe that they can determine these things through their own efforts. However, as one grows older, they may realize that many things seem to have been predestined, and they are simply drifting along with the current of fate. Even one’s aging, death, and the manner of death seem beyond one’s control, not to mention what happens after death. This is the essence of the fate array.
The fate array represents the predetermined aspects of one’s life, the karmic arrangements made by the Tao based on each person’s past-life genetic information—a one-time comprehensive assessment of one’s past merits and misdeeds. Things in this life that one cannot choose, or control are the karmic results of one’s past deeds, that is, the cause of the past life and the fruit of this life.
From the moment of birth, individuals are ensnared in the web of the fate array. No matter how hard one strives or struggles, it’s difficult to escape their influence. Want to choose different parents? Alter your gender, birth time, or location? Change your inherent nature? It’s simply impossible—all choices are off the table.
Of all the arrays within the Thirty-Six Eight-Diagram Arrays, the fate array is the most intricate and the most challenging to break free from, as it dictates much of one’s life from the moment of birth, making it absolutely impossible to change.
In the face of the fate array, all we can do is accept and bear our fate. Any resentment or resistance is futile, only serving to breed further anguish and sorrow. “Accept your fate!”
With this life’s fate array already set, individuals can only strive to influence their next life’s fate array.
Each person’s fate array is unique and is entirely determined by their own spiritual cultivation. The fate array for one’s next life is entirely within one’s own control and choice. However, if one continues to live in a state of confusion, the fate array for the next life will likely not differ significantly from the current one, leading to yet another cycle of reincarnation. If one remains in a state of perpetual confusion, the cycle of reincarnation will continue indefinitely.
Understanding the fate array and its roots, awakening to their implications is crucial. Without such awareness, individuals risk squandering their precious lives. Once on the wrong path, escaping the ensuing cycle of suffering and sorrow will require considerable effort.
How does one break free from the current life’s sorrowful fate array and enter a joyful one in the next life?
This is a monumental task, involving macroscopic elements such as faith, beliefs, morality, ideals, values, outlook on life and LIFE, worldview, as well as microscopic elements such as every word, action, thought, and intention. There are no shortcuts, no strokes of luck—only a solid, incremental approach.
From the perspective of Lifechanyuan values, it involves transcending the human fate array and entering the celestial one. Specifically, it means revering the Greatest Creator, revering life, revering nature, following the path of the Greatest Creator, adhering to and upholding the Eight Hundred Values for New Era Human, repaying all your debts from all your past lives and accumulating treasures in heaven by creating the Lifechanyuan era for humanity. Simultaneously, it entails gradually disengaging from human society and entering the realm of celestial, fundamentally transforming one’s values, outlook on life and LIFE, worldview, and continuously replacing human consciousness with celestial consciousness. The foundation for all of this lies in building one’s soul garden, removing the weeds of passive, negative, and pessimistic emotions such as jealousy, resentment, comparison, anger, hatred, condemnation, laziness, selfishness, greed, arrogance, hostility, infatuation, attachment, rigidity, stubbornness, cruelty, and fostering the growth of active, positive, and optimistic qualities such as truth, goodness, beauty, love, faith, sincerity, tranquility, and harmony.
The simpler something appears, the more complex it is, and vice versa. While the origins of fate array and the endeavor to break free from their constraints are exceedingly complex when analyzed theoretically, the path forward can be distilled into a single concept: Follow the way of the Greatest Creator!
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