Discussion on the Value of Human Existence — Reply to Baichuan


November 16, 202

Baichuan: "Dear Guide, I have a question I'd like to ask you. As we know, low-level LIFE serves high-level LIFE. As a person, how do I serve higher LIFE forms? And how do I know if I am serving well or not? Can we understand it this way: if I'm in a good state, consistently happy and capable of self-adjustment even in challenging situations, striving to approach a serene and splendid state, does that mean I'm serving higher LIFE forms well? Of course, there are more details that are unclear."

Answer: Jesus was hungry and saw a fig tree. He wanted to satiate his hunger with fig fruits. The tree was full of leaves. Fig trees normally produce fruit before leaves. Since it had leaves but no fruit, Jesus cursed it, and the next day, the fig tree withered entirely.

From this story in the Bible, we receive the lesson: a fruit tree must bear fruit. Fruitful trees conform to the wishes of their creator; they serve their creator. If a fruit tree does not bear fruit, it goes against the creator's will and fails to serve the creator, leading to withering.

The value of low-level LIFE lies in serving higher LIFE forms. Microorganisms serve plants; plants serve animals; animals serve humans; humans serve gods; gods serve the Greatest Creator. When a species fails to serve a higher LIFE form, it will decline.

If a fig tree does not bear fruit, what purpose does it serve? If a plant does not serve animals, what purpose does it serve? If animals do not serve humans, what purpose do they serve? If humans do not serve gods, what purpose do they serve? If gods do not serve the Greatest Creator, what purpose do they serve?

The theory of evolution is a soup theory; it's all about "the struggle for existence, the survival of the fittest." This results in moral and ethical chaos of LIVES in the universe. It believes that humans are the "lords of all creation" and "master over nature.” As a result, humans forget their own existential value. They disregard the existence of gods and the Greatest Creator, unwilling to serve gods. What is the result? The result is heading towards withering and extinction because "what purpose do you have?"

Look around your living environment — the bed, table, chair, pots and pans, clothes, shoes, house, TV, computer, phone, washing machine, etc. Were they created naturally? Weren't they all created by humans? Undoubtedly, you firmly believe all these were created by someone, and you'll notice every object, whether it's a table, shoe, computer, or phone, was created with a specific function and purpose. If shoes cannot be worn, chairs cannot be sat on, houses cannot be lived in, would you still keep them?

Now look at everything in nature — the grass, flowers, trees, insects, birds, animals, the sky, clouds, mountains, rivers. Don't you think there's a creator behind them? Don't you think they were all endowed with special functions and purposes?

Let's consider human beings. Each organ, like eyes, ears, nose, tongue, hands, feet, hair, internal organs, bones, and more, was endowed with unique functions and purposes. If eyes do not see, what use are they? If feet do not walk, what use are they? If ears do not hear, what use are they? Just like a mother hen, if she does not lay eggs, what use is she?

Eventually, we realize any species or object must have one or more serving functions. When the serving function disappears, that species or object is destined to perish and disappear.

What about humans? Is the existence of humans solely for enjoyment, without serving other LIFE forms or having any function, purpose?

The answer is: the value of human existence is to serve a higher LIFE form — gods and the Greatest Creator.

In what way do humans serve gods and the Greatest Creator?

Living according to natural laws, following the way of nature is serving gods and the Greatest Creator.

So, how do you know if you are serving gods and the Greatest Creator? How do you know if your service is good or not?

If you can fulfill the following eight aspects, you are serving gods and the Greatest Creator, providing the best service:

1) Revere the Greatest Creator, LIFE, and nature; follow the way of the Greatest Creator, that is to follow the way of nature.

2) Not possessing natural resources; letting natural resources serve all LIFE forms.

3) Not suppressing sexuality; allowing sexual freedom because sex is Buddha, sex is the inherent nature of Tathagata.

4) Belonging to nature rather than any other entity, like a nation, religion, political party, ethnicity, or individual.

5) Believing in the Greatest Creator, relying on the Greatest Creator, praising the Greatest Creator, surrendering one’s LIFE to the Greatest Creator without fear of death, letting life be managed by the Tao, not letting greed and desire consume oneself, not complaining or holding resentment in any situation.

6) Utilizing everything to its fullest potential; not suppressing or repressing individuality, not controlling others with your wisdom and power, not wasting any resources, sharing everything with people resonating on the same frequency.

7) Maintaining physical, mental, and spiritual health; maintaining a cheerful, romantic, and optimistic outlook every day.

8) Listening to the teachings of gods, Buddhas, celestials, and saints; maximizing one's true qualities of goodness, kindness, beauty, love, faith, and sincerity, showcasing one's functionality comprehensively, using eyes to see, ears to listen, hands to work, and feet to walk, integrating into nature as much as possible, acting in accordance with natural laws.

This way, it's serving the higher form of LIFE, manifesting the value of being human, aligning with the creator's will, and will receive rewards from gods and the Greatest Creator. LIFE will ascend to higher LIFE space.

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