When You Think You Are Right, You Are Already Wrong


June 25, 2011

I do not see right or wrong; everything unfolds in an orderly manner. Nothing in the universe is wrong, and no one’s words are wrong. “A white horse is not a horse” is correct, and “a white horse is also a horse” is correct. Saying “everything is empty” is correct and saying “everything is real” is also correct. Saying “truth is falsehood” is correct and saying “falsehood is truth” is also correct. Saying “the guide of Lifechanyuan is a big fool” is correct and saying “the guide of Lifechanyuan is a god” is also correct.

Everyone’s actions are correct. Someone building a house is correct, and someone demolishing a house is also correct. Someone engaging in construction is correct, and someone engaging in destruction is also correct. Someone honoring their parents is correct, and someone not honoring their parents is also correct. Someone who loves cleanliness is correct, and someone who loves messiness is also correct. Someone who likes to explore the truth and live with clarity is correct, and someone who prefers to live in ignorance is also correct. Someone who wishes to go to hell is correct, and someone who wishes to go to heaven is also correct. Someone who practices dictatorship is correct, and someone who practices democracy is also correct. Someone who likes eating steamed buns is correct, and someone who likes eating rice is also correct. Someone who likes meat is correct, and someone who prefers vegetarian food is also correct.

We cannot say that others are wrong while we are right. To say others are wrong is to judge from our own standpoint, which is a flawed judgment that fails to consider the standpoint of others. When we consider the standpoint of others, we find that differing viewpoints or actions are also correct. Who can say that the behavior and values of cats are correct while those of mice are wrong? Who can say that winter is wrong, and summer is right? Who can say that fruit-bearing trees are right while non-fruit-bearing trees are wrong? Who can say that birth is right, and death is wrong?

All events and phenomena in the universe are not wrong. Earthquakes are not wrong, volcanic eruptions are not wrong, droughts are not wrong, and floods are not wrong. It is not wrong for people to kill, set fires, steal, or rob, and it is not wrong for others to stop these actions, fight against them, and punish those responsible. This is called “each performing their duty, each bearing their responsibility.” Everyone plays their role, and who can say that a fox eating a chicken or a wolf eating a sheep is wrong? Who can say that thorns on rose branches are wrong? Who can say that it is wrong for crops to grow while weeds are right?

Our efforts to create the Lifechanyuan era are correct, and those who oppose and obstruct the creation of the Lifechanyuan era are also correct. Everyone is playing their own role in their own way. Everything is a game; as long as we are immersed in the process, it is fine. It is not practical to insist that everyone must follow our will. It is in accordance with the Tathagata’s intention for all LIFE to blossom according to its nature.

Do not try to change others or the world, as it is not only thankless but also contrary to natural laws. The most important thing is to express your own Tathagata nature. If you love eating noodles, then eat noodles. If you love eating steamed buns, then eat steamed buns. If you love going to hell, then go to hell. If you love going to heaven, then go to heaven. “A forcibly twisted melon is not sweet,” and forcing a cow to drink water goes against heavenly will.

This means that when we think we are right and others are wrong, we are already wrong.

Now, let’s consider the other side of things. For thousands of years, humanity has lived in worry, pain, trouble, anxiety, conflict, and fear. This fact proves that humanity has been walking on the “wrong” path. Our understanding of life, time and space, LIFE, and the origin of existence is “wrong.” Our ways of thinking are “wrong,” and our values and views on life are “wrong.” Therefore, any person within this huge “wrong” thinking circle, regardless of how they judge things, speak, or act, is “wrong.” Thus, when any person thinks they are right, they are already wrong.

Anyone who believes they are right is in illusive thinking.

Is there someone who is right?

Answer: Yes!

If a person is free from worry, pain, anxiety, concern, and fear, then they are right. Everything they say is right, and everything they do is right.

Existence itself and things themselves have no right or wrong. However, I am discussing right and wrong here, which proves I am also wrong. Because I can prove that I am wrong, I am right. But because I think I am right; I am wrong again.

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