The Sutra of the Wonderful Method for Achieving the Right Fruit


February 5, 2015

Illuminate the heart’s lamp to light up the vast world. All things and events are in constant circulation. Only by stepping out of the maze of confusion can one become a celestial among humans.

A dream lasts one night, and upon waking, it vanishes—dreams are full of worries and troubles, all turned upside down. There is no need to fret over what happens in dreams; be a celestial in the present moment.

The world is noisy and full of demonic obstacles. One wrong step can lead you astray. The temptations of demons are many; even a slight misstep can result in getting caught.

I have the Sutra of the Wonderful Method for Attaining the Right Fruit. Every word and sentence must be carefully pondered. If one practices diligently and attains the right fruit, one will become a celestial being from then on.

Do not be greedy. Anything excessive is life-threatening. Having just enough is good. Greed turns one into a demon; non-greed makes one a celestial.

Do not rush. The more one rushes, the more disorderly things become. There will surely be a way when the car reaches the mountain; follow the changes calmly, and the results will naturally come with effort.

Do not contend. Not contending is like the fruit of the Arhat. Everything is transient. Contention will not lead to the Tao or celestial fruits.

Do not worry. What is meant to go will go, what is meant to come will come. Everything follows its destiny. Cloudy in the morning, clear in the afternoon; spring forests bloom everywhere.

Do not be arrogant. No matter how high the wisdom, one cannot predict the next second. No matter how great one’s ability, one cannot prevent misfortune. Humility is best.

Do not be anxious. Trust in the Greatest Creator, trust in cause and effect. Put in your best effort daily. The Tao is just; entrust it to the Tao.

Do not be afraid. If you have done no wrong, why fear ghosts knocking on the door? Do good deeds, and though the heaven’s net is wide, nothing escapes it.

Do not be obstinate. Do not believe that you are always right. Do not cling stubbornly. Flexibility is best; harmony without obstruction is ideal.

No secular ties, no possessions, no self, no sadness, no worries, no attachment, no pessimism, no fear.

If you reach the State of Eightfold Liberation above, you will attain the right fruit early. From then on, you will transcend the Three Realms, free to move between heaven and earth.

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